Lethal Pursuit

Read Online Lethal Pursuit by Kaylea Cross - Free Book Online

Book: Lethal Pursuit by Kaylea Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaylea Cross
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary
    * * *
    Breathing hard, muscles bunched in an agony of need, Jackson stared down into the shocked depths of Maya’s eyes. Even in the dimness he clearly saw the flicker of unease as she realized she was no longer in control. In those first few seconds he watched the knowledge sink in that he was stronger and could force a response out of her if he chose. The primal part of him wanted to. She was as turned on as him; he could feel it in the slickness between her thighs and hear it in the little gasps of pleasure she tried to hold back. What the hell was this? A sexual power trip? Because he didn’t appreciate being on the receiving end of it. And he hated it more that he couldn’t stop his physical reaction to her.
    As much as he fought the pounding hunger, his body wouldn’t allow him to stop. Not now. He was too close, too on edge and he’d wanted Maya for months. He’d be a goddamn idiot to pull out now, and he knew she’d disappear once he did.
    That didn’t mean he was ready to go down without a fight first. If she was hell-bent on unraveling him completely, then he was taking her there with him.
    Her hands were flattened on his shoulders as though to push him away. The wary edge in her expression ate at him. The aroused glitter in her eyes was now locked behind a blank wall. If she hadn’t been so wet, if penetrating her sultry flesh hadn’t been so easy and he hadn’t caught those telltale sounds of pleasure earlier, he’d have been convinced she wasn’t even turned on. He shifted his weight and she sucked in a breath, her body going rigid as though she was about to fight him. As if she was afraid of feeling the pleasure. Screw that.
    Uh-uh , sweetheart. You wanted this , you’re getting it. Every last fucking inch of me. Until she cried out his name and came around his cock, whether Cam got an earful outside or not.
    Braced on his forearms, watching her eyes, he pulled back slightly then pushed forward. Her gasp of startled pleasure was the sweetest music to his ears. But before he could do it again, she’d wrapped those toned legs around his waist and clamped her hands on to his back, holding tight as she swiveled her hips in a slow circle calibrated to make him lose his freaking mind.
    Jackson bowed his head and fought to breathe. Christ, she fought dirty. And she was fucking strong for her size. He started to pull back; she followed, gripping him even tighter. Jackson bit back a curse. No matter how he tried to twist away, she wouldn’t let go. There was no way he could dislodge her without truly hurting her and he’d rather die first. He stilled, breathing roughly, so frustrated he wanted to scream.
    Why? Why was she doing this? He shook his head once, a tight movement of denial, of defiance. She stared up at him, just as implacable. A low growl of warning rumbled up from his chest. He was a heartbeat away from losing it and pounding into her until he exploded. And then she’d not only have won whatever fucked-up contest this was, he’d have lost his only chance with her. Because he knew in his gut that once this was over, she’d walk away for good.
    He wasn’t letting that happen.
    As though his futile efforts at resistance amused her, Maya laughed softly against his ear and nipped the lobe, sending sparks of sensation tearing across his skin. “Just let go,” she whispered, a seductive, beguiling caress over his pleasure-drenched senses. Her scent enveloped him, tangerine and vanilla and warm, aroused woman. She drew him closer, her wicked tongue playing at his ear while those erotic hip circles shredded what was left of his control.
    “Uh-uh,” she breathed, and swiveled her hips once more in a devastating arc.
    Fuck. Fuck. It was too good. He couldn’t stop it.
    With a muffled curse, Jackson fisted one hand in her hair and drove deep. He barely heard her quiet gasp as he plunged into her body, the pleasure spiraling out of control. Burying his face in the curve

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