Lethal Deception

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Book: Lethal Deception by Lynette Eason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynette Eason
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    The woman’s breathy question turned all four heads in her direction.
    Cassidy stared at the pretty, heavyset woman bearing down on them. She huddled Alexis closer and readied herself to run.
    “Is that Alexis?” Panting gasps escaped as she held out dark brown arms in the child’s direction. Full brown lips pulled into a beaming smile.
    Alexis, awake and frowning at the woman, wrapped her arms around Cassidy’s neck, shook her head and said, “No, stay, my Cass-ty.”
    Immediately the arms dropped, but the smile remained and the woman’s dark eyes locked with Cassidy’s. “Cassidy? Kara and Jacob’s friend.”
    Cassidy knew immediately who this was. “Selena.”
    The chubby sun-browned round face creased into a smile, showing every wrinkle this kind woman had earned over her lifetime, which Cassidy judged to be around sixty years.
    Selena turned toward the native who had originally greeted them when they entered the village and shooed him gently away. Cassidy thought she saw humor in the old eyes before he turned to leave, but couldn’t be sure. She turned back to the smiling woman.
    “Selena, I’m so glad to meet you. This is Gabe and yes, this is Alexis.”
    The smile disappeared and tears pooled for a moment before Selena blinked them away. “Kara, oh, I do miss her. Well,” she sniffed, “come, come. Our hut is this way. I saw the little blond girl and knew who this must be.”
    Cassidy hefted Alexis higher and wearily offered Gabe a smile. “Well, we made it.”
    He brushed the hair from her eyes. “Yeah, now we’ve got to make that plane.”
    Cassidy nodded and started after the bustling woman, whose bright red, brown and yellow muumuu swayed with her every step. “I can’t wait to get home and get everything finalized. And I’m dying to brush my teeth.”
    She stepped into the darkness of the hut and noticed it was much nicer than the one she’d been held captive in. This one actually had a small bathroom attached. A curtain down the middle separated the sleeping quarters from the living.
    Selena waved them in. “Jorge, we have company.”
    Jorge emerged from behind the curtain, a short stocky man whose smile matched his wife’s. Dark brown eyes twinkled with curiosity. Selena said, “Jorge, meet Kara and Jacob’s friend, Cassidy. You remember we witnessed the new will they made out naming Cassidy as guardian if something happened to them? And this is Gabe.”
    The men shook hands and Jorge offered Alexis a smile.
    “Good to meet you,” Gabe offered. “Unfortunately, we probably bring trouble with us. We just need a jeep or some kind of transportation then we’ll be out of here. Or your lives may be in danger for helping us.”
    Jorge frowned. “Oh? Well, danger’s never stopped us before.”
    Selena stepped forward and told Cassidy, “Feel free to use the bathroom. There are washcloths and extra toothbrushes on the shelf behind the sink. There is plenty of soap and water, so you can wash your hair if you like.”
    Cassidy smiled at Selena and said, “Thank you.” She looked at Gabe. “What do you think? Do we have time?”
    He shook his head. “Just for the basics. No time to linger.”
    Jorge spoke up. “Selena, pack some food for our friends and I will see if I can find a jeep. They must get going.”
    Selena headed for the kitchen. While she loaded down a small sack, Cassidy asked, “Do you know where I can find some diapers?”
    Selena laughed. “We have many children in the village, I will find some for you.” She handed Cassidy the packed food and hurried out the door, promising to be right back.
    Jorge came back as Selena left. “No jeep. We have one in the village and it’s not working.” He stepped into the kitchen and said, “Sit for a moment. Eat something while you can. Let’s think.” He placed fruit and bread on the small table and after everyone was seated said a short blessing.
    “Our Father in heaven, we ask Your

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