Let Them Eat Cake

Read Online Let Them Eat Cake by Ravyn Wilde - Free Book Online

Book: Let Them Eat Cake by Ravyn Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ravyn Wilde
knows, though.”
    Justin winced and then nodded, “Yeah, I just had a conversation with Mom.”
    Bill smiled when he realized that Justin didn’t want to talk about what his mother had said.
    “I can see how creative filing might be necessary. I can’t believe you’ve known about vampires and werewolves and other things all this time, yet you never mentioned it to me.” Justin didn’t phrase it as a question.
    Bill shrugged. “It wasn’t my secret to tell, Justin. And really, without seeing it, without experiencing this…alternate reality…I don’t think you would have believed me.”
    Justin shook his head in agreement. “No. You’re right, I wouldn’t have. I would have pushed you to get a psych evaluation.” Justin laughed. “I’m told the dress code for tonight will be interesting?”
    Bill couldn’t stop the blush Justin had been looking for. He sighed and decided to tell all. “I used to take a suitcase to those meetings and change either in the car or, after Maria bought Sins, at her club. My worst nightmare revolved around someone I knew seeing me dressed in leather and a choke collar. Your mother loved my discomfort. She told me to quit being such a stick in the mud.” He laughed at his son’s grimace. “Now I’m an old man. An old human man, and the Council permits me the dignity of dressing in a very cool black suit. I have been allowed to throw out my leather pants.”
    Bill looked at Justin and grinned, “You, however, aren’t going to be so lucky.”
    Justin pulled in front of the black warehouse building where the red neon sign screamed the words Sins of the Flesh . The clock on the dashboard read a little after 6:30 in the evening, and Maria said her club didn’t open until 9:00, so the parking lot was nearly empty. As he got out of his car, a side door in the building opened.
    “Good, you’re here,” Brian said. “I’ve been keeping watch. No one else will be coming until close to 9:00 and I didn’t want you pounding at the door without any response. I should have given you my cell phone number.”
    Justin looked at Brian and worked very hard to keep the alarm off his face. No way in hell wouldhe wear an outfit like this one! Brian was dressed—or undressed, depending on how you looked at it—in a studded leather harness and… What in God’s name was that? A black leather thong barely covered the man’s dick. Dangling chains secured to a leather strap at his waist draped to attach to the scrap of fabric covering his groin. The rest of the outfit consisted of tall, black leather boots. Nothing else.
    “What are you supposed to be dressed up as?” he questioned the other man in what he thought could pass for a normal tone of voice. He wasn’t sure he wanted to get any closer to Brian.
    Brian laughed. “Relax. Your outfit has more to it. And I’m a human servant. Matt and I wear things like this because the other human servants will be donning something similar. It pisses Maria off.” Brian moved to let Justin through the door.
    “Glad to know my outfit consists of something more than a few miniscule scraps of leather. But why does it upset Maria if the other human servants are dressed this way?” Justin asked.
    “Maria got in just a few minutes ago and she needed to make a few calls. Why don’t you come into my office and change before you go see her? I’ll try to fill you in on vampires and human servants while you get into your outfit.”
    Justin followed Brian into an office about midway down the hall. Considering the way this lunatic dressed, he was surprised to find very conservative décor. Two big mahogany desks faced each other and a nice, dark gray leather couch and chair sat with chrome tables in one corner. Modern artwork on the walls added splashes of red, black and gray, and those colors were repeated in the throw pillows on the couch. Not a whip or chain in sight. Thank God!
    Justin wondered at the fresh, spring-like smell of the office until he

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