Let Me Love You (Australian Sports Star Series Book 2)

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Book: Let Me Love You (Australian Sports Star Series Book 2) by Iris Blobel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Blobel
seems,” he said.
    Tamara stood, eyes wide open, then turned and walked away.
    “Hey,” he quickly shouted and then let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry.”
    She stopped, hesitated, and then looked over her shoulder.
    “Shitty morning,” he said in answer to her unspoken question.
    “Are you in pain?” she asked quietly.
    Adjusting the crutches under his arms, he leaned against the doorjamb. “Pain is a bitch. I can’t remember the last time getting out of bed’s been so much work.” Then he hobbled further back to give her room to come in. “C’mon in. Want a coffee?”
    She hesitated, seemingly considering the offer, but finally stepped in.
    “I wasn’t really sure whether you’re on a special diet. You know, being in training most of the time, so I thought—”
    “You miss me, so you’d drop by,” he finished.
    She shot him a glare.
    “Give me a break and something to smile at.”
    “You don’t answer your phone.”
    Right, he had switched off the phone last night. The incessant bombardment of phone calls and well wishes had been too much after a while.
    “Saw your message, though. Not really in the mood for talking,” he explained as he made his way past her into the kitchen. He reached for the kettle and filled it with water. “You’re here because of my diet?”
    Oliver looked over his shoulder and saw her nodding. “Cupcake, I eat anything as long as there’s meat and three vegies on the plate.”
    The sound of her laughter was so unexpected, and for all her composed stances, it sounded sweet and sexy.
    But she seemed surprised at her own laughter, as if she didn’t do it often.
    He looked at her and took in as much of her as possible. The faint shadows beneath her eyes were in stark contrast to the little bit of colour on her cheeks. Everything told him she hadn’t had much sleep the previous night, either.
    “Rough night?” he asked.
    She looked up at him, but her gaze went right through him. Shrugging, she replied, “I’m okay.”
    He got the hint not to take this any further. It seemed he hit a sore spot.
    “So what changed your mind?” he asked.
    Tamara came closer, took the two cups, and placed them on the table. “Changed my mind about what?”
    She shrugged, which made him laugh. He couldn’t figure her out. Tamara was hot and cold at the same time. She’d kissed him yesterday, and he knew she’d enjoyed it. So, why was she so reserved?
    “What?” she asked.
    He sat down and leaned his crutches against the table. Slowly, he took a sip of his coffee before he answered. “You’re real good at the denial thing.”
    “I’m not—”
    That got a chuckle out of him.
    She let out a long, noticeable sigh. “I remembered how much my friends helped me out when Jason…when he—”
    Tamara didn’t finish the sentence. She didn’t need to. Oliver knew what she was trying to say.
    “So you took pity on me.”
    She stood so abruptly that the chair toppled backward onto the floor. “You’re just the most annoying creature I’ve ever met.” She picked up the chair. “No, I didn’t pity you. I was thinking of helping you. But—”
    Oliver cringed. Walking on thin ice was easier than holding a conversation with Tamara. Shoving his hand through his hair, he took a deep breath. He stood as well and watched her as she struggled with the small chair.
    “I’m sorry,” he finally said.
    “I couldn’t care less about all your sorries. This must be the tenth or eleventh time you’ve said that.”
    Placing his hand on her arm, he said “Tamara, I am honestly sorry, and I do appreciate your help. But in all fairness, it’s still a bit puzzling.”
    When she met his gaze, his whole body stilled, and he could feel his pulse pounding in his temples.
    “I told you,” she said softly. “I want to help.”
    Gently he pulled her in closer, not being able to take his eyes off her. “I’m having the shittiest week of my life. I was told to leave my hands off you.

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