Let Me Be Your Hero

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Book: Let Me Be Your Hero by Elaine Coffman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine Coffman
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the time Claire reaches her majority, there willna be much of the fortune left.”
    “I do not like this,” Fraser said.
    “Neither do I, but unless ye have privy to the ear o’ the King of England and hold sway with his opinions,we have no choice but to return to Grahamstone once the greedy pair arrive.”
    “This will no be easy for them to accept,” Fraser said, “especially since we know how they all feel about Isobel and Lord Walter.”
    “I agree, but ’tis out of our hands now. All we can do is break the news to them as gently as we can. Do ye want to be the ogre what tells them, or shall I?”
    “Perhaps we should do it together,” Fraser said. “That way we can be a double-headed ogre.”
    And in the end, that is what they felt like.
    Claire took it hardest of all, for she was the eldest and the one most capable of understanding what it meant, knowing the kind of people they would be dealing with, since Claire had said on numerous occasions that she did not like Isobel or Lord Walter. Although, Fraser felt, if he were to be honest, he did not know if that opinion was born of Claire’s own preferences or because she knew her father cared not a whit for either of them. And Claire was ever her father’s daughter.
    Jamie and Fraser remained for almost a week before Isobel Lennox, the widow of the children’s uncle, William Lennox, arrived with her paramour, Lord Walter Ramsay, at Inchmurrin Island.
    The moment they entered the castle and discovered Fraser Graham and Lord Monleigh were there, Isobel wasted no time in producing the parchment documents attesting to the ward of Kendrew and his sisters being granted to her.
    Since they arrived with all their baggage, ready to assume the roles they coveted, the pair moved in immediately. This left Fraser and Jamie with little choice. They had to leave.
    “I wish ye could stay with us,” Kendrew told Fraser.
    “I wish so, too, but we have to obey the law,” Fraser said.
    It was a tearful parting, although Fraser and Jamie both did everything they could to make the transition go smoothly. Fortunately, and much to their surprise, both Isobel and Lord Walter were surprisingly kindhearted toward the children.
    “I canna thank ye enough, Lord Monleigh, for all ye did since the tragic news that orphaned these dearest o’ children. ’Tis a blessing to know they have had yer guidance and protection until we could arrive. I do hope ye will find time to pay them a visit.”
    “Perhaps we will stop by on our return to Monleigh Castle, in order that we might say goodbye,” Lord Monleigh replied.
    “Oh, ye havena moved to Grahamstone Castle permanently?”
    “No, we only came for a time to oversee some renovations, and to meet with the retainers and such. We will return home within the coming month.”
    “Please do stop and tell the children goodbye,” Isobel said. “Ye are always welcome.”
    “Thank ye,” Lord Monleigh said. “And now, if ye will excuse me, I will find my brother, so we can be on our way.”
    Fraser walked with Claire and the dogs, for he wanted to tell her he was leaving when they were alone.
    “I wish ye could stay.”
    “Ye know it is not possible.”
    “Then I wish I could go with ye.”
    “Ye are needed here, Claire, and ye know it. Justas I know ye wouldna leave yer brother and sisters. Not at a time like this.”
    “Aye, it is something I must do, ye ken, but I do not have to like it.”
    She stopped and he put his arms around her, content to hold her against him, while trying to imprint as much of her in his mind as he could, so he would have that much of her, at least, to hold on to in the months they would be apart.
    Fraser knew it would be months, and not more than a year, for as soon as her year of mourning was up, he intended to marry her.
    Their time together was too short, for Fraser saw Jamie coming down the track, and he knew the time to leave had arrived. He kissed her one last time, branding her with the passion and

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