Legends of Marithia: Book 3 - Talonsphere

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Book: Legends of Marithia: Book 3 - Talonsphere by Peter Koevari Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Koevari
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their people, but gave them fertile land that belonged to the crown. His generosity and kindness reached their hearts and when the king’s enemies arrived with their armies, the ancients fought at his side, with magic.”
    Karven focused as his eyes glowed and the grass lit up in the centre of their gathering, emitting smoke. The smoke thickened and formed figures and structures. They all watched as an epic battle played out before them. Elf-like men and women cast spells that attacked groups of enemies. They watched the castle be defended. Flashes and explosions sparked along the ground. Before too long, although the ancients suffered many casualties, none of the oppressing army remained.
    “This was how magic was first used. The king knighted the leader of the ancients and told their people that they would be protected and could live amongst them forever, under the protection of the crown.”
    The smoke swirled and an image of a king, with a heavy crown, knighted an ancient who bowed on one knee.
    “The ancients were a proud race and opted to live outside the king’s walls, building their own civilisation on his fertile lands. As with any civilisation, there were dark souls among them. The ancients had many secrets.”
    The smoke formed a group of elongated eggs, housed in an ornate straw bed.
    “They studied the highest levels of magic, and used rituals to create dragon eggs. By combining the spirits of many animals, and through their creation of our own god, Mother Dragon, our eggs were formed.”
    “The ancients could create a god?” Anakari said.
    “They had discovered a way; one which required immense sacrifice and aligning of the stars. Dragons were supposed to have been born to live with the ancients, as a force of good, as protectors. But the eggs were stolen by ancients who hungered for control.”
    Small wispy figures snatched the eggs and were shown sneaking out of the building, slicing the guards’ throats.
    “Nobody knows where they disappeared to for many years, but everyone knew when they returned. The faction of ancients was cruel to dragons, subjecting them to unspeakable tortures of minds and body. They ordered the dragons to collect treasure and guard it fiercely. A war broke out as the ancients who had aligned with the king fought back against their own creations.”
    The smoke darkened as it shifted to show flying dragons destroying homes and burning families alive. Vartan cringed at seeing creatures of his blood committing such shameful atrocities.
    “The dragons had no idea that the ancients were their creators. They only knew that their masters had convinced them that their enemies were to be destroyed and hated. The war was being lost, when a dragon attacked the knighted leader of the ancients.”
    A smoky dragon circled an ancient adorned with armour. He used his shield to defend against the flames and retreated through the castle. The dragon followed him, smashing through walls until they entered a hall. The knight pointed his sword toward a statue of mother dragon with eggs held in her grasp. The dragon reeled back and lowered its head, but only moments later, it turned and fled in the other direction.
    “The unborn dragon eggs made the dragon see that they were being misled, and they turned against their cruel false masters, viciously destroying every last one of them for their lies and treachery. It came at a heavy cost of dragons’ lives.”
    Vartan recognised the dragon.
    No, it couldn’t have been, could it? he thought.
    The dragon was a smaller version of Karven. Vartan looked to the others, whose faces had also paled, before continuing to watch the events unfold.
    Karven spoke each word as if they were weights on his lips. “After our vengeance was enacted, we fled to Trahoterra in shame, unworthy of living among the ancients until we repented for our actions. This was the beginning of our believed extinction and how we changed over the many years.”
    The smoke shifted into

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