our understanding.”
“Anakari is under my protection, and always will be. Something struck me strange. When Losa awakened, she seemed to recognise me. I know it makes no sense, but she called me her brother,” Vartan said.
Karven cocked his head and looked to the stars. “Vartan, it makes perfect sense, if you know the history of the gods. She recognised the spirit of Mazu within you. If I recall the ancestry of the gods, Mazu is Losa’s brother.”
Anakari paled as she spoke. “So that explains my pain when I saw the shooting star. It wasn’t a shooting star at all, was it?”
Vartan understood the cost of the sacrifice, and those who would be impacted by it. “That must have been the night I met Mother Dragon and chose the element of water. You felt the sacrifice of Mazu. But as much as everything is becoming clearer now, there is still far more to you, Anakari. The Seer, Kai’En, told me that she’s the key to entering Daessar. That the key lies in the language of the ancients; in her symbols.”
Yuski nodded. “This is true, I heard it myself. Kai’En would never make a tale of such things.”
Vartan stepped into the middle of the circle and pointed to Mount Wayrin. “The entry to the realm of Daessar is somewhere in or near Mount Wayrin. I don’t know what to expect, where it is, or how to get inside there. But what I do know is that Talonsphere is actually in Daessar.”
“That cannot be! Our scrolls showed us that it is in Greenhaven. We could begin digging immediately,” Andrielle said.
“Then you’d be chasing the same illusion created to throw off those who should never find it. Kassina took that bait and found no reward. Now we know why,” Vartan said.
“So be it. Then it’s obvious that the dragons should take you to Mount Wayrin and protect you. The gods only know what horrors or traps await you there,” Helenia said.
Karven and Nymira shared a long stare, and once Nymira nodded, he spoke. “There is something you all don’t know. If you truly wish to travel to Daessar, we won’t be able to take you there. We could take you to She’Ma’Ryn, where you could travel to Mount Wayrin on foot.”
Everyone glared at the king of dragons. Vartan looked to his truth pendant, Keturah. Her animated face frowned as she answered his thoughts. Yes, he is speaking the truth.
Vartan couldn’t understand.
What is this secret the dragons are hiding? he thought.
Anakari was the first to break the silence. “Why can’t you take us there? Why won’t you protect us?”
“It is not that we do not wish to take you there or protect you. If only it were a simple dilemma. There is a history which you all need to be aware of,” Karven said, stepping toward the centre of the circle.
“This goes back to well before all of your times; to before Shindar walked our lands. It was an age of an ancient king who knew nothing about magic. Marithia had few castles back then, and even fewer settlements.”
“Who was the king?” Helenia said.
The dragon king continued. “His name was lost with time, but it is not important. There was a great drought, but all of those in the castles had plenty of food to share. There was a community who lived differently from the lives of Marithians. They were short on food and continually pillaged by rebels when their king decided to take them into his already busy castle. They had to make room, but he saved them all. The king found it strange that they would accept his shelter and protection, but refused to eat his food. They brought and grew their own, likely taking time to trust. He had no idea that he had just saved who we now call ‘the ancients’.”
“But I saw one of them. They looked like elves,” Anakari said.
Karven took a deep breath before nodding toward Andrielle. “The elves are creations of the ancients, which is why they appeared strange to the king. Elves are accepted in Marithia now. Their lands were ravaged, and the king not only saved
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