Legal Legacy 2 (Surrendering Charlotte Chronicles Book 10)

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Book: Legal Legacy 2 (Surrendering Charlotte Chronicles Book 10) by Kimball Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimball Lee
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wish I could trust you… I want to be the one to go with you to that awards bullshit… and I want to take you places you’ve never been before.”
    “I’ m freezing.” It was all she could manage, so he held the car door open for her and his hand caught in her hair as the wind blew through the long tosseled strands.
    The main house on Alice-Anne’s Farm was large and sprawling in the 1930’s hacienda style that was well suited to the California landscape. It had been built during the Great Depression with money from crops harvested by the poorest of poor iterant farm hands. The Kincade family who owned the land and passed it down to their granddaughter, Alice-Anne, had made buckets of money from their prodigiously fertile land when most Americans were starving to death. But they had been philanthropic even then, feeding and housing their workers well and providing the latest in healthcare and medicines. Alice-Anne’s grandfather, Traeger Kincade, was of German and Irish decent and he had come to California with a hardy work ethic and a dream. He made it his life’s mission to establish a farm and a way of life that could exist independently, giving back to and enriching the land and the people who worked to harvest its bounty.
    “Well that took long enough,” Alice-Anne said when Cade and Hadley returned with the t equila. “And there you are, Pedro. Come on over here and meet Hadley’s friend Skyler.
    “I know you somehow, where did you come from?” Sky said the moment she saw the young man with his tosseled dark hair and wide green eyes. She knew him, there was no mistaking it… somehow.
    “You look just like my mother,” Pedro whispered and his brow knitted as tears sprang to his eyes and he tried to make sense of this vision of a girl. “What’s this all about, Alice-Anne, I don’t understand, is she a relative of my mother’s?”
    You could have heard a pin drop in the room as Pedro and Skyler sank down into a pair of leather chairs and stared at each other. Cade handed the bottle of tequila to his mother and suggested that Reef and Hadley take a seat and that they might want to take care with the exchange of information since Pedro was a fugitive from his own life.
    “ Whoa! Those two are brother and sister without a doubt, so I’m just gonna say goodnight and the rest of you enjoy your evening in the twilight zone!” Traeger said, as he left them with a smile and a shrug of his shoulders.
    “Who is your mother?” Skyler asked Pedro, she was sitting on the edge of her seat holding her breath and she was both thrilled and afraid that she knew the answer.
    “ I don’t know if I should say. I don’t want any bad shit to happen to my mom. She risked her life, you know, when she sent me here, it was a dangerous move for her to make. I was water skiing off the coast of Cabo… oh fuck, I probably shouldn’t have said the name of a place. Anyway don’t repeat that please— so anyway, I cut my thigh on the boat propeller and at the hospital they gave me a transfusion. My father, or my mother’s husband I should say, he always kinda had his doubts about me so he must’ve told the doctor to keep it quiet and do a DNA test. The results proved I’m not his biological son. He went insane and said he wanted me dead. Thank God he’s afraid of my mom so she had the men who are loyal to her smuggle me out of the country and they brought me here. My mom is unbelievable, you know, like, charismatic. People look up to her and trust her, mostly they fear her husband and wish he was dead. But I don’t know what has happened to her now…” Pedro said and his wide green eyes shone with the tears he was desperately trying to hold back.
    “ Your mother sent you here from Mexico? That’s where you’re from? Is your mother’s name Lizzie?” Sky felt the cold all the way to her bones suddenly and maybe all the way to her soul. This boy was her brother, she knew it with absolute certainty and their

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