Legal Legacy 2 (Surrendering Charlotte Chronicles Book 10)

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Book: Legal Legacy 2 (Surrendering Charlotte Chronicles Book 10) by Kimball Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimball Lee
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his clubhouse and he had my mother’s magazine pictures blown up bigger than Dallas and framed on the wall!”
    “Yes well, my father maintains a certain distance from our philanthropic work but his reputation serves to keep many undesirables at bay. Men who might come to the farm in search of fugitives usually think better of it because they know the Four Horsemen Motorcycle Club feels an obligation to offer their full protection to those we take under our wings. I hope you don’t mind if I’m blunt, Ms. Hale— my mother’s farm is not suited to celebrities who draw attention by simply being who they are. As well, my father has a certain element of secrecy that is better left uncovered. You are obviously a nice young woman, but I don’t agree with Reef’s decision to bring you into our world. Nothing personal you understand, we’ve always kept a low profile for ourselves and for those who depend on our absolute discretion.”
    He reached out just then with one long-fingered hand and brushed a drop of wine from her lower lip w ith his thumb. He let it linger against the soft seductive fullness longer than necessary and finally turned away to hide the massive erection that had sprung to life just that quick.
    Hadley Hal e. How had he become so enamored just by seeing her face on a billboard and her body on a film screen ? It simply wasn’t like him at all. Reef had mentioned in passing that he knew her and that she was totally down to earth and not at all caught up in the celebrity hype, which Cade had found impossible to believe. Celebrities craved the limelight and surely she was no different from the rest, conceited and vain, narcissistic and shallow. But Cade had gone to see her first movie at a little art-house cinema in Santa Monica and he was hooked. It was ridiculous and shameful for a twenty-eight year old man to have an adolescent crush on a girl he had never even seen or met. And she was young, not yet twenty from what he’d managed to unearth about her personal life. The truth was that she kept a fairly low profile, her mother had been famous years before and there were rumors that her father had been much more than just an average attorney.
    “ Your brother was right about you. You are a self-centered arrogant egomaniac. How dare you even begin to think you can just toss me into the basic ‘Girl goes to Hollywood and drinks the Kool-Aid’ mold? Celebrity means nothing to me, I’ve wanted to be an actor, a serious actor , since before I can even remember. I want to act , that does involve a bit of posturing and posing for the media and excuse me for being blunt, but fuck you for thinking you know me. You’ve seen my face on a billboard and most of my body on a film screen, well guess what? You don’t know jack-shit, Mr. Townsend. Take me back to your mother’s house, please. I can easily get back to civilization from there, you are way too fucked up for your own good.” Hadley drained the wine glass and tossed it over the porch rail and into the lake and then she walked through the cabin and slammed the door as she left.
    “ Hey. Hey! Hadley get in it’s freezing out there, you can’t walk back to my mother’s house. Come on, the entire family will kill me if I let you get sick… please get in the car,” Cade said and he pulled in front of her as she walked along the road so that she had to stop. He got out of the car and stood in front of her with his hands planted on his hips. They were both illuminated in the car’s headlights and Hadley could see an array of emotions play across his face. He was stunningly handsome and sexy as all fucking hell as he stood there broad-shouldered and narrowed-hipped with his jacket pushed back and his thumbs hooked in the belt loops of his baggy jeans. He stared down at her with those disarming eyes and the emotion that settled on his face was not judgment or disregard— it was an animalistic need to possess her. “I wish you would get in the car… I

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