Leaving Triad

Read Online Leaving Triad by KD Jones - Free Book Online

Book: Leaving Triad by KD Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: KD Jones
Tags: Erotic Romance, scifi romance, other worldly, jk publishing, kd jones
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stopped what they were doing immediately and stared at them, mostly
at Zor. Emily noticed everyone looking at Zor and she felt some of
their stares directed her way as well. It wasn’t a pleasant
experience at all.
    “Why are they staring at us?” she whispered
in his ear.
    “This is the human side of the outpost
business district.”
    “I’m not human.”
    It took her a moment to understand what he
was saying. Then she became angry, very angry. She slammed the
purse she had picked up back on the display shelf and walked toward
the door.
    “I thought you liked that purse thing you
were looking at. You’re not going to get it?”
    “I don’t want it if I have to buy it from
stupid, idiotic, bigoted assholes,” she said it loud enough for
everyone in the store and on the sidewalks to hear.
    “It’s okay,” Zor reassured her.
    “No it’s not.” She stopped walking and looked
up into his beautiful, pale eyes. His white hair was spiking up
more today than usual. He was a beautiful being. “I don’t want to
shop. All I want is to be alone with you—just the two of us.”
    Zor kissed her quickly on the cheek. He loved
that she was so protective over him and that she didn't view them
as different species, but as one. He was honored to call such a
female his.
    “What was that for?” she asked curiously.
    “You’re damn cute. I love it when you get
fired up. Your eyes sparkle and you breathe heavier.” He looked
down at her chest. “I especially like the heavy breathing
    She laughed and it broke some of the tension
she had felt. “You’re impossible.”
    He held her hand and led her down the walkway
toward a transportation rental station on the alien side. The
transportation device was similar to a four-wheeler. He placed
safety headgear on her and himself then took position in the
    She climbed on the thing behind him. She was
grateful that she wore her jeans and a tank top. She wrapped her
arms around his waist and pushed up against his back as close as
she could.
    Zor wasn’t sure how he was supposed to
concentrate on operating the thing with her body pressed tightly
against his. He wanted so badly to be inside of her. She consumed
his every waking thoughts and invaded his dreams. She owned him.
One word from her would crush him. Shit, was this what love did to
a person? He had never felt anything like it before. It was scary
and thrilling all at once.
    “Where are we going?” she asked, leaning
closer so he could hear her over the engine.
    “Just a little bit away from the business
district. I hear there is a hilltop that overlooks everything.”
    She squeezed him tighter just because she
could. She pressed her face against his wide back and watched the
scenery. If he did nothing but drive them around, she would be
happy with that.
    Zor parked the transportation device on the
side of a huge rock. He helped her off and then turned to the
container attached to the back. He pulled out a basket and pointed
to a well-worn path that would lead them up to the top of the
    “This is beautiful.” Emily looked out and
could see for miles in either direction. She could see the business
district buildings in the distance. On the other side was nothing
but overgrown trees and bushes. Wildflowers grew all over the
little hilltop they stood on.
    “It is,” Zor agreed as he spread a blanket
for them on the soft, grassy bed. He opened the basket and took out
two covered containers with delicious smells coming from them. Then
he pulled out two bottles of beer.
    “You have thought of everything.” She was
impressed. No one had ever done anything like this for her before.
The most Jeremy did was take her to a movie, which she paid for or
out to a nice restaurant, which she also paid for. This was more
than she would have expected. It brought a tear to her eye.
    “Is something wrong?” Zor stood and was at
her side in a fraction of a second.
    “No. Everything is

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