LC 04 - Skeleton Crew

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Book: LC 04 - Skeleton Crew by Beverly Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Connor
no difference between
them at all. She started to speak, say something about archaeologists adding to the knowledge base, but put a fried oyster in her
mouth instead. When John spoke it was to ask her about her
family, and she was happy to drift into that conversational safe
    They finished their meal. Lindsay waited outside on the porch
while John paid, and the two of them walked arm-in-arm back to
the boat. It was dark, but the dock was well lit. Lindsay couldn't
help scanning the boats for one that might belong to Eva Jones, but
she had no idea what a boat of hers would look like.
    She climbed into their boat and sat down in the passenger seat
next to her life preserver as John untied the ropes from the dock.
    "I'm sorry about the things that Denton guy said," Lindsay told
    "It's not your fault. A man with fire in his heart often has sparks
fly out his mouth."
    Lindsay laughed. "Is that an old Indian saying?"
    John shook his head. "I heard it the other night on Daniel
    Lindsay laughed again. "I didn't know you have a sense of
humor, and I'm surprised you watch Daniel Boone."

    John shrugged and grinned. "It was on and I was too tired to
get out of bed and change the channel." He started the engine,
moved away from the dock, and piloted the boat down the intracoastal waterway and out into the ocean.
    Lindsay shivered, hunkered down in the seat trying to escape
the wind, wishing she had brought a heavier jacket.
    "I want to show you something," John shouted to her.
    After several miles, he slowed and cut the engine. They bobbed
in the ocean, and he surveyed the area before turning off the lights.
    "Have a look at this," he said, taking her hand and pulling her
up beside him.
    The sliver of moon shining on the ocean cast enough light to
make the velvet black water glitter as if it were covered with diamonds. Off toward the horizon the lights of ships shone like bright
stars. The night was so dark it was hard to see where the ocean
stopped and the sky began. Overhead, it looked as if every star in
the Northern Hemisphere was visible. The rim of the galaxy cut a
bright, dazzling path across the sky. Lindsay looked back down
across the sea and saw in the distance a radiance shining up from
the ocean. It took her a moment to realize it was the cofferdam,
shining like a crown jewel among the glitter of the ocean and sky.
    "What you think?" John whispered, his breath stirring her hair.
    "It's breathtaking. I think it's the most beautiful sight I've ever
    "Yeah, I think so, too."
    Lindsay couldn't see John in the darkness, but she felt his arm
slip around her waist and was surprised that he so accurately
found her lips in the dark, and was surprised again that he was so
very good at kissing. Yes, breathtaking, she thought to herself.
When his lips finally left hers, she wanted to pull him back. So she
    Several minutes passed before John spoke. He sighed and said,
"I have to turn the lights back on. If a boat comes along, they can't
see us." He flipped a switch; Lindsay blinked at the brightness and
looked at him. He touched her lips with the tips of his fingers. "If
there was ever a perfect spot on earth to kiss a woman, this is it,"
he said and kissed her cheek before starting the engine.

    "How was your date?" asked Bobbie.
    Lindsay was tucked into bed, reading the journal of the ancient
sailor when Bobbie came into their room.
    "What? Oh. It was good. Very good."
    Bobbie slipped out of her clothes and into a nightshirt. She
climbed into her bunk and settled into the crib-like bed.
    "Eva Jones and Hardy Denton were eating at the same
    "You're kidding. Where did you go?"
    "All the way to Florida, can you believe it?" Lindsay told her
about the encounter.
    "Wow, do you think he's the one behind the attack on Nate and
    "I don't know, but I think it is a possibility. He's very bitter
about losing the contract, and he seems the reckless sort.

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