LC 04 - Skeleton Crew

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Book: LC 04 - Skeleton Crew by Beverly Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Connor
shifting his weight from foot to
    "I'm not patronizing you. I think we should take this up some
other time. Both of us have guests. Let's not subject them or the
other diners to a disagreement."
    "You're not getting rid of me until I've had my say, and I don't
care who hears. Everyone needs to know what cheats you and
those university people are."
    Lindsay put down her fork and dabbed her mouth with the
napkin. "We haven't met, and I don't want to. Go away."
    Denton jerked his head in her direction as if she were a mannequin that had just spoken. He looked back at John. "Tell your
squaw this don't have nothing to do with her."
    John stood, but Lindsay was faster to her feet. By the look on
Hardy's face, he was surprised at how tall she was.
    "You go sit down or I'll call the manager," she said.
    Denton stepped back and shifted his gaze to John. "My quarrel
is with you."

    Lindsay threw the napkin down on the seat. "We'll see." She
marched over to Eva Jones and bent over her table. "Reel him back
in. He's making you look suspicious."
    Eva arched her brows, glanced over at her companions, winked
at them, and looked back at Lindsay. "I don't know what you
    "Then I'm very disappointed in you. I'll spell it out to the Coast
Guard, and they can enlighten you."
    Eva shifted her gaze back to the man sitting with her as Lindsay
turned and left. John stood with his arms folded over his chest.
Denton was shaking a finger at him. Lindsay could see from the
stony look on John's face that his patience wasn't endless. Out of
the corner of her eye, Lindsay saw their waitress talking to the
manager and he started toward them. Lindsay was about to speak
to Denton when Eva and her companions rose and walked to their
    "Come on, old boy." A man taller, stronger, and younger than
Hardy gripped his arm. "I need to get back." His voice was
friendly, but Lindsay noticed that his fingers bit into Denton's
upper arm.
    "Hey. I'm not finished...," he yelped.
    Eva turned to the approaching manager, a pale, gangly fellow
who looked too young for the job, and handed him several bills.
    "We need to be going. I think this will cover our meals. Give the
rest to our waitress. She was great. So was the food."
    Eva left with Denton between her and her male companion.
The manager stood for a moment, money in hand, flashed an
embarrassed grin at some of the customers who had interrupted
their meal to watch, and returned to the wait station.
    "Well," said Lindsay, "that was interesting."
    John gave a short laugh. "That's not the word I'd use. What did
you say to the Jones woman?"
    "I hinted that Hardy Denton's harassment looked suspicious in
light of Nate's getting shot. I don't think she wants to be in the
spotlight with the Coast Guard."
    "Rabbit jumping on the Tar Man again?" John shook his head
and reached out to take her hand. "I'm sorry about this. I'd hoped
for a quiet meal."
    Lindsay squeezed his hand, rubbed her thumb across his
knuckles, and met his gaze. "I'm enjoying this very much. I've never been taken to dinner by boat before. And this is the best
seafood I've ever had. And ..."

    "And what?"
    "And I like the company."
    A corner of John's mouth turned up and after a moment they
continued their meal.
    "What's the story on Boote?" Lindsay asked after several pieces
of shrimp.
    "In the beginning, when the site was being surveyed, before
most of the crew got here, Boote and his son, Keith, were-what do
you archaeologists call them-informants? They know the coast
and all the islands and have a collection of ancient stuff washed up
on the beach over the years. Boote drinks a lot. So does Keith. I
think they had some kind of falling-out with Trey and the others.
Collectors and archaeologists don't get along for very long, I've
    "Not surprising. We have such opposing philosophies."
Lindsay glanced up from her food to John and saw from the look
on his face that he disagreed-that he saw

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