Lazy Days

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Book: Lazy Days by Verna Clay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Verna Clay
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for easier travel in sandy soils.
    Yep, Cooper was happy with his purchases and looked
forward to the smile that would light Hallie's face when he told her.
    Four days before departure, Hallie sat beside
Cooper on their rented buckboard while the Hankersons and Tim rode in the back.
Postings on the community wall and in the local newspaper had informed anyone
bound for the trail with Wagon Train Master Captain Jeremiah J. Jones to meet
in front of City Hall for the purpose of discussing "Important Particulars,"
and also to take a headcount.
    Hallie's heart raced; soon she would be traveling
to a new state, a new home, and new beginnings. Excitement and fear of the
unknown vied for preeminence of her emotions. Calming herself with slow breaths,
she glanced sideways at Cooper. His expertise in negotiating the best deals on
the best supplies made her forever grateful to him. Since the night on the boat
when he'd spoken harshly to her, he hadn't brought up the incident again, and
his manner was always patient and gentlemanly, quite in contrast to his rough
appearance. Remembering his treatment of the two cowpokes who had accosted her
and his wielding of not one, but two pistols, as if such behavior were an often
occurrence, she tried to reconcile that man with the one beside her—a man who
was kind to animals and respectful of women.
    The braking of the buckboard brought Hallie back
to the present and she glanced across the street at the gathering crowd, excitement
overcoming her fear. She couldn't wait for a glimpse of Captain Jones. Cooper lead
her across the street holding her elbow while she held Tim's, who after their
conversation about his name, informed her that only babies held their mother's
    A platform, no doubt for politicians and city
leaders to address the public, had been built in front of the steps to City
Hall and Cooper directed them to an open space on one side of it.
    While they waited for Captain Jones, Hallie
glanced at the emigrants filling the square. Such an assortment of people she
had never seen altogether in one place. Most of the pioneers were families with
children of every age—babies to adults. She was surprised by the number of
older husbands and wives and it made her smile. Just goes to show you're
never too old to seek adventure and new beginnings.
    Among the crowd, she noted a gathering of
"fancy women," their colorful satin bodices revealing generous
cleavages and their decorative hats with feathers showcasing upswept hairstyles
in startling contrast to the plain bonnets and buns of the country women,
herself included. Moving her gaze past them, she stiffened when she recognized
the slimy cowboys who had accosted her—Stubby and his cohort, Harley.
    Glancing at Cooper, she saw that he, too, had
spotted them. His eyes, as hard and cold as lead shot on a frosty morning, sent
chills up her spine. When she returned her gaze to Stubby and Harley, she saw
Harley elbowing his friend and pointing in her direction. Stubby turned and his
eyes widened, forcing his forehead into grimy creases. Hallie was close enough
to read Stubby's lips as he mouthed, "Sheeit!" Saying something to
Harley, he made a flapping motion with one hand and the two of them edged to
the outermost grouping of people.
    Cooper bent down to her. "Rest assured, Hallie,
they won't even glance in your direction after I have another talk with them."
    Hallie couldn't help but laugh. "I think
you've already put the fear of God in them just with your expression. Thank
    Cooper laughed also. "I've never been thanked
for my ugly mug, but I'll make sure to keep it pointed in their direction throughout
the journey."
    Ugly mug? Hallie nearly objected—vehemently, but then
realized how improper it would be to tell him how handsome she thought him to
    A wave of excitement rolled through the crowd, bringing
Hallie's attention to the platform when a man, probably in his fifties and dressed
in military attire, jumped up on the wooden

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