Lawyers In Love: Bittersweet Homecoming

Read Online Lawyers In Love: Bittersweet Homecoming by Ann Jacobs - Free Book Online

Book: Lawyers In Love: Bittersweet Homecoming by Ann Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Jacobs
Tags: Romance, Erotic
There was no way around it. Andi had been the last woman to share his bed and he wasn’t likely to forget it.
    When thunder crashed again, she trembled. Blood rushed to his groin.
    He was losing his freaking mind.
    Andi might have saved her pride by telling Brett he’d been conceived in love. She might even cherish memories of the mind-blowing sex that had resulted in their son’s conception. No way, though, could he imagine her wanting to take up with him where they’d left off. Not now. Not as wild as she liked her sex partners and as unable as he was to meet her sexual challenges.
    That knowledge didn’t keep him from sliding closer, draping an arm over her shoulders, and stroking the satiny skin beneath his fingers. It didn’t stop him from inhaling her powdery floral scent that he’d never managed to forget. And it did absolutely nothing toward making his erection subside.
    Bolts of red-gold electricity lit the sky.
    Andi shuddered, burrowed her head against his chest. “Gray?”
    Her warm breath tickled the skin around his nipple, made him fantasize about tangled sheets and heated bodies. Of long-ago pleasures and futile dreams. “I’m here, Andi.”
    “You’re not afraid, are you?”
    “Of the lightning? No.” The storm outside didn’t bother him. It would play itself out and blow across the
peninsula into the Atlantic before morning, leaving marginally cooler air in its wake. It was the turmoil in Gray’s brain that was killing him. He had no idea how he could dispel it, or where it would take them if he allowed it to sweep him into uncharted waters.
    Waters that could suck him under in a whirling vortex, finish off the destruction his captors had left undone. He told himself to move away, put some distance between himself and this impossible temptation, but his body paid him no mind. It craved what he knew rationally couldn’t be.
    But when Andi lifted her head and looked at him, there was no way in hell he could resist her silent lure.

    Chapter Four
    Lightning lit the sky. Thunder boomed louder with every successive lightning bolt. Fierce winds roared. Raindrops pelted the wide expanse of glass that provided a view of white-capped waves breaking along the shore.
    Andi was terrified. Not as much of the storm outside as of the one brewing inside her.
    When she met Gray’s gaze she saw raw desire. Or was his expression only mirroring the emotions that were churning inside her?
    She didn’t know.
    But she remembered his lips on hers, soft and warm, the pressure of them increasing as he’d taken all she offered and more. His callused hands that had known where and how to touch to lead them both to ecstasy. His big, hard body that had brought her so much pleasure. The taste of him, tangy aftershave tinged with the salt air from the Gulf and his own unique masculine scent. She noticed he used a different aftershave now. Light with a hint of citrus, it was no less enticing than the musky fragrance that still haunted her dreams.
    This was Brett’s father. The lover who’d ruined her for other men. Still, he was a stranger. A stranger she’d never been able to banish from her dreams. Hadn’t wanted to banish. Didn’t want to banish now.
    Andi wet her lips. Smiled. Gave Gray a silent invitation she didn’t dare make out loud.
    Gray lowered his head. Outside the thunder rolled. Instinctively she clasped his shoulders, seeking safe harbor from the storm. When he brushed his lips across her cheek she closed her eyes and savored the way his warm breath bathed her skin.
    She wanted more. A turn of her head brought their lips together. No pressure. Only his mouth lightly on hers, his lips warm velvet she longed to taste. She ran her tongue along the seam of his lips, seeking entry.
    A moan escaped him, and a fierce shudder passed through his broad shoulders into her fingertips. His tongue met hers, and surprisingly hard, muscular arms surrounded her, dragging her to him until they were

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