Lawful Escort

Read Online Lawful Escort by Tina Folsom - Free Book Online

Book: Lawful Escort by Tina Folsom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Folsom
forget his mind, forget his work, his goals, and only remember that he was a man in the hands of a beautiful woman.
    Her mouth around his hard cock was warm and moist. Her tongue played with his skin, tickling and teasing him. This was not the kind of mechanical blowjob he’d received from his ex-girlfriends, no, this was something entirely different. This was the mouth of a woman, who was in it with every fiber of her body.
    Holly wasn’t just going through the motions. The way she sucked him, licked him and teasingly grazed him with her teeth without hurting him, he knew she wanted to give him the best blowjob he’d ever had. And she was succeeding. She pulled harder, sucking him deeper into her mouth, and he realized that he couldn’t go much longer. This was too good.
    Daniel didn’t want to come in her mouth, at least not the first time. He needed to be inside her and feel her muscles tighten around him when he came. And he needed to look into her eyes when he did so. He needed to lose himself in those beautiful green eyes.
    The way she sucked his cock drove him insane, and he felt his control slipping. Before it was too late, he pulled himself out of her mouth and held her back, away from him.
    “I wasn’t done,” she complained and pouted. Cute.
    “Baby, you’re killing me.” He brought her up him and kissed her plump lips. “Let me be inside of you.”
    She pulled him down onto the bed with her. He stopped in mid-motion.
    She gave him a questioning look.
    “Condom.” He snatched his jacket off the chair and pulled the condom out of its pocket before joining her on the bed.
    “May I?” she asked and pointed at the condom.
    He shook his head. As if he could survive her touch. “I won’t last if I let you touch me right now.”
    He was walking a tightrope. Any second, he could lose his control and give into the release that he felt so close to the surface. He had to have her, and he couldn’t wait another second. Daniel sheathed himself with the condom and pulled her back into his arms.
    Her body molded to his perfectly as if she were made for him. His erection nudged at the entrance to her body, and he locked eyes with hers. As he slowly slid into her inch by inch, he lost himself in the depth of her eyes. He had to watch her as he entered her. He had to see her reaction, see what she felt.
    What he saw in her eyes was pleasure, desire, and passion. Nobody could fake that. He captured her lips with his, and thrust into her to the hilt, slicing through her body as through butter. Holly was tighter that he’d expected. How she kept her muscles so tight around his cock surprised him. She felt as tight as a virgin, not the professional escort she was.
    Daniel stayed buried in her for several long seconds, unable to move for fear he’d lose it right there and then. Finally, he felt his strength return and was able to move inside her. Slick flesh on slick flesh, their bodies moved in synch with each other. Pulling out almost entirely, he slammed into her again a second later as she met his thrust with an equal but opposite reaction, only intensifying his movement.
    Being inside her was a slide into slickness and warmth but with the tightness of a glove one size too small, accommodating his size with an extraordinarily snug fit. As if she’d been built for him and for him alone. Every time he pulled out so only the very tip of his cock was still submerged in her heat, she begged for him to fill her again, and every time he did so, and did so completely.
    Daniel knew he’d met his match when she used his weight against him, hooking her leg behind him and rolling him over. As she sat up, keeping his erection deeply buried inside her, she gave him a wanton smile.
    The sight of her naked body straddling him, her boobs bouncing with every move she made, was beyond his strained control. Every time she moved upwards and then down again, his hips moved up to meet her, pounding into her with as much

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