Lasting Pride (Pride Series Romance Novels)

Read Online Lasting Pride (Pride Series Romance Novels) by Jill Sanders - Free Book Online

Book: Lasting Pride (Pride Series Romance Novels) by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
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Cardone. She’d maintained the cop persona until the elevator doors had shut. Then, he watched as she relaxed against the wall. She slowed her breathing down and her eyes softened. He was so turned on by her.
    Walking across the empty compartment, he stopped right in front of her. His hands on either side of her on the railing. He saw her eyes heat just before his mouth claimed hers.
    When the doors opened, her hair was a mess and her lips were slightly swollen. His nicely pressed shirt was now untucked and a little crooked and they both had large smiles on their faces.
    “ Well, that was a perfectly good waste of an afternoon. How can that man run a multimillion dollar company and not know the answers to some of my very basic questions.”
    Ric laughed as he opened the car door for her. She stopped and looked at him. “You know, if I didn’t know any better. I’d say the two of you were brothers.” Ric stopped laughing and his head tilted to the side as he thought about her statement.
    She slid into his car and waited for him to close the door. When he just continued to stand outside the opened door, staring into space, she got back out and looked at him.
    “Hey, are you okay?” She placed a hand on his arm.
    He blinked and looked at her. “You know, I thought there was something about him. I wonder…”
    He looked at her and she realized he was standing so close that she could see the different shades of color in his blue eyes.
    Without saying anything he reached up and brushed aside a strand of her hair that had fallen forward.
    “Ric?” It was more of a whisper from her lips. When had she started thinking of him as Ric instead of Mr. Derby?
    Just then, a car drove by and broke the trance, he stepped back. So she slid into the seat again and watched as he started to walk behind the car to get in. She’d been too focused on trying to figure out what the confused look he’d given her meant, otherwise she would have seen the car coming before it was too late.
    She heard the metal on metal and out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Ric go flying just as she felt the jolt of the impact, as the car was hit from behind. She was out of her seat belt in seconds and beside him in less time.

Chapter Eight

    T he memory of the black sedan, which had sped up as it turned to leave the garage, was imbedded into her memory. As was the vision of Ric lying on the cement ground with a large gash in his shoulder and blood running down his forehead.
    After she had called the police, and two of her uniformed friends had shown up to handle the scene, she’d driving Ric to the hospital herself. He made it clear he didn’t want to ride in the ambulance and had actually wanted to drive to the hospital himself. She finally talked him into letting her drive his car there instead, which had only gotten minor bumper damage. The two cars next to his hadn’t been so lucky.
    She had sat beside him as the nurses and doctors poked at him. She’d laughed when he made funny faces after seeing the large needle one nurse wanted to shove in his forehead so she could stitch the small gash up.
    When she finally did get around to giving her statement to the police, she’d lucked out that her friends Bill and Charlie had been on duty. She’d told them her side of the story, giving every detail, down to the missing license plates on the sedan.
    Less than two hours later, they were back in his car, she sat behind the wheel again, since the doctor’s orders were for him not to drive for the rest of the day.
    “ You can just drop me off at my apartment. I’ll send someone for the car later,” he said, rubbing his forehead just below his new stitches.
    “That’s not going to happen, you’re stuck with me tonight. How do you feel about watching a bunch of kids beat me up?” She smiled over at him.
    “Pardon me?” he stopped massaging his head and

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