Last Gasp

Read Online Last Gasp by Robert F Barker - Free Book Online

Book: Last Gasp by Robert F Barker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert F Barker
when he interviewed
her. 'She’s doing fine. What she lacks in experience she makes up for in common
sense.' Unlike some.
    'Glad to hear it. Mind you, she’s not a bad looker either. I
hope you’re making sure to give her the benefit of your… experience?'
    About to head for the door, Carver froze. Straightening, he
stepped back, looked Shepherd straight in the face and folded his arms. 'Scuse
    Whatever his failings, Shepherd knew when he’d overstepped.
His swagger faded. 'Whoops. Sorry, Jamie. That’s my mouth running away with
itself again. Don’t worry, everyone knows you’re straight down the line.' Along
the corridor, a telephone rang. He hung out the door. 'Calls coming in. Needed
in the MIR. Have a good weekend. You look like you need it.'
    Carver listened to Shepherd’s footsteps receding. 'Prick,'
he muttered.
    Checking his desk one last time - it would still be there
Monday - he pulled his jacket off the back of the chair, sending it spinning.
As he strode out he was looking forward to his first proper break in weeks. But
his inner voice was telling him, 'And pigs fly.'

Chapter 9
    From the window in the main CID
Office, Jess watched Carver’s Golf slow at the gate, before gunning forward and
left into a gap in the streaming traffic. She followed its departure down
Arpley Street. A voice close behind made her jump.
    'How’re you enjoying the big time then, Jess?'
    She spun around. Shepherd was right on her shoulder, way too
near. Avoiding his gaze, she weaved passed him and headed back to her desk.
     'I’m enjoying it fine, thank you. Sir.'
    'That’s good.'
    He sauntered after her, eyes wandering the room, fingers
flicking, randomly, through papers on detectives' desks. They were alone, the
others either left for home or grabbing refs. 
    Sensing something, Jess was wary, and set about tidying her
desk. To her dismay, Shepherd settled himself on the edge of the neighbouring
desk, lifted a foot and rested it on the edge of hers, hemming her in. She
caught a whiff of something musky. It hadn’t been there when they’d passed in
the corridor following debrief.
    'You know Jess, this enquiry could be good for you. You're
showing promise for this sort of work. I mentioned it to The Duke and he
agrees. Keep it up and I’m sure there’ll be a permanent job when this is all
    She managed not to laugh. 'I appreciate that, Sir.'
    There was an awkward silence before he continued. 'So what
do you think of this Crane woman thing? It’s not just Jamie looking for a bit
of a diversion, is it?'
    Unsure what he was getting at, she said, 'That’s not for me
to say. But Mr Carver's confident she can help.' As she picked up her shoulder
bag and stood up, Shepherd chuckled in a way she found strange.
    'He would be.'
    Jess was intrigued, but wasn’t about to start talking about
her boss in his absence. Before applying for the job she'd heard the rumours of
course. But she’d avoided digging, preferring to take things, and him, as she
found them. Turning, she skirted the back of her chair to avoid his
leg-barrier. But he moved swiftly to catch up, traversing between the desks to
come alongside her as she neared the door. Suddenly his hand was on her elbow
and she stopped. His boldness surprised her, as well as his stupidity.
    'There’s something I think you should be aware of.'
She waited. 'I know you and Jamie are working together, but... Well, it’s just
that he has a reputation for sometimes getting a bit, you know, involved in this sort of thing? You need to be careful.'
    As shock joined with the surprise, Jess wondered where
it was coming from. Jealousy or genuine concern? He seemed sincere.
'What are you trying to say?'
    He attempted a warm smile. 'Just a friendly warning.
This sort of enquiry, it can suck you in if you’re not careful. I wouldn’t want
it to happen to you.'
    'Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll bear it in mind.' She turned
    But he wasn’t finished. 'A couple more things.’

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