Last Call for Love
turned toward him, he reached his hand down the front of her uniform and grasped her breast.”
    Orso licked his meaty lips. His fingertips pressed to the corners of his mouth. He nodded as through following Antoine’s story.
    “All these claims, whether true or unfounded, require a report to me and to security, plus entry into your managerial notes for the day. Then, as you are aware, an investigation. While the employee may be put on leave until the investigation is complete, she shouldn’t be fired until after I’ve reviewed security’s report.”
    “Mr. Antigua, I assumed since Mr. Hughes is such a valued guest and such a powerful man, that you would want me to adhere to his request that Miss Duvall be fired. It’s been the longstanding policy at Mesquale that the guest is always right.”
    Antoine leaned forward in his chair. “Yes, the guests’ needs must be met and it is our mission to ensure that their experience is of the highest quality. However, there are policies and procedures in place that must be followed to ensure that our employees are treated fairly and to minimize all liabilities for Mesquale. Let me just say, it’s the viewpoint of the new owner that our employees are to be treated in the highest regard and by so doing we will attract and maintain the very best employees in the hospitality industry.”
    “Or a bunch of entitled spoiled brats.” Mr. Orso grimaced and crossed his arms over his chest. “Does the new owner have any idea how to run a hotel? Has he ever been to one, aside from staying as a guest in a penthouse suite?”
    Ryan locked his jaw and ground his teeth. Orso was somewhat correct in his assessment. Prior to pretending to be a maintenance and a laundry room worker, and now hospitality, Ryan had never worked in a hotel.
    The corner of Mr. Antigua’s lip ticked upward. “I can assure you that our new owner is hands-on and has recently worked in the hotel industry.”
    “Who is our new owner? When will this be announced?”
    Antigua’s eyes flicked to Ryan. “The new owner of Mesquale should be joining us very soon.” His lips thinned, and his eyes hardened. “However, you won’t be here to meet him. I must ask you to leave. Now. On the first flight out of Mesquale.”
    “What?” Orso’s eyes widened, and he leaned forward, his round body appearing as though it might topple from the chair. “You can’t be serious. After more than a decade of service you’re bouncing me because I failed to file some paperwork?”
    “This is a more grievous offense than failing to file paperwork. You’ve opened Mesquale to some serious liability issues. There is a claim of a possible sexual assault by a guest against one of our employees, and you fired her before that matter could be investigated by our security staff and the local police. Truly, Mr. Orso, instead of firing Miss Duvall, you should have called me and also the police on her behalf.”
    Orso shook his head and cocked an eyebrow. “You have no idea what these women servers are after, do you, Antoine? How they’re willing to spread their legs for what they want, and then when they don’t get the clothes or the jewels or the cash, how they make false claims against powerful men.”
    Ryan’s hands fisted on the arm of the chair. What a damned bulbous beast and liar.
    Antoine pushed back from his desk. “I believe I’ve heard quite enough. The first flight off the island has been delayed until eleven due to weather. That should give you adequate time to gather your things.”
    “Adequate time? I have a decade worth of things in my bungalow. How does an hour give me enough time?” Orso spit out. His mean eyes sharpened on Ryan.
    Ryan turned and met his gaze. He poured every bit of anger into his look at Orso, who visibly recoiled.
    “Anything you can’t take on the plane,” Antoine said, “our staff will pack and ship to your forwarding address. Please leave that address with Mary on your way out.” 

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