Lanie's Lessons

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Book: Lanie's Lessons by Maddie Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maddie Taylor
alarm sounded. Immediately, she started backpedaling.
    “I was joking, Ethan. Really! We can’t have sex in here.”
    “Turn and face the wall. Grab the rail with both hands.” Always a daunting figure standing nine inches taller and outweighing her by at least seventy pounds, a stern or angry Ethan was especially menacing when he stepped closer, crowding her into the corner. Glancing up at him, she expected to see a dark cloud of anger, or at the very least irritation, but his face appeared calm, almost stoic. Through the low rumble of his words, she could tell he was affected. That sound alone made her heart pound in her chest.
    “I’m sorry, honey.”
    “Now you are. The thing you’ve yet to learn is to think before you open your mouth and spew vulgarities and sarcasm. Face the wall and grab the rail with both hands. We’ll have a quick lesson in deportment, I believe that’s what they call manners in school. You must have missed that class.”
    She winced as she turned. He had never yelled or ever raised his voice, but his tongue could be lethal. Razor sharp and deadly accurate when the situation called for it. She deserved a punishment for her rude behavior, but in an elevator?
    “What if there are security cameras?”
    “Security will get an eyeful then, won’t they?”
    “I checked, Lanie,” he sighed. “There are no cameras.”
    Facing the wall, her fingers blanched as she gripped the brass rail. She tensed as she felt his hands slide around her waist and locate her button. Soon the zipper was undone and he was easing her pants down. “Spread your legs so that your pants are held snug around your knees. That will keep them off the floor and from getting dirty.”
    Always considerate, her Ethan. His fingers found the waistband of her panties next.
    “Please, honey. Can’t we do this when we get home?”
    Succinct, too.
    “I want you sitting on this tenderized ass all through dinner. Maybe it will serve as a reminder to curb that acerbic tongue.”
    A tenderized ass? He was going to spank her, not fuck her. Relief mixed with disappointment, which was quickly replaced by horror. A bare handed spanking would be loud in the metal elevator car—a good fucking would be quieter. She could bite her lip or he could cover her mouth with his hand, but skin on skin was loud and it would surely echo up and down the resonant elevator shaft and no doubt be heard by everyone throughout the fifty-two story high rise.
    A whoosh and a thwap sounded as a thin line of flames burst along both bottom cheeks. Holy hell! What was that? It felt like a cane, but where on earth would he have gotten one in a freaking elevator? She sucked in a deep breath of air at the sting, twisting her neck to see what it was.
    “Eyes front and be still,” he ordered sternly, his free hand clamping firmly around her waist to keep her in position. In the same low rumbling voice, he warned. “You’ve earned a dozen and then we’ll talk. But if you keep moving, I’ll add more.”
    Another whoosh and thwap followed, then another. He laid swipes—with whatever evil weapon he possessed—all over her bare bottom, never striking the same spot twice. By the tenth sizzling stroke, she was dancing up on her toes and her hands flew back instinctively as she tried to soothe the blazing fire he’d ignited along her skin.
    “Hands, Lanie.”
    She didn’t want any more. All she could think about was rubbing the burn from her flaming butt.
    “Now, Lanie. We can’t hold the elevator forever. Do you want security or the fire department prying open the doors and finding you with a bright red bare bottom? I’m okay with it if you are, but I don’t recommend it.”
    An image flashed before her eyes was of grinning young fire fighters staring down at the five alarm fire on her naked ass. She shook her head. She’d be mortified, but the men would surely delight in repeating the lurid tale of her humiliation from now until

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