
Read Online Ladykiller by Lawrence Light, Meredith Anthony - Free Book Online

Book: Ladykiller by Lawrence Light, Meredith Anthony Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lawrence Light, Meredith Anthony
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now. Someone at
the free clinic who is open at this hour.You —”
“No. I don’t need to see anyone else. I need you. Can’t you understand that?”
Nita gripped the phone hard. “I’m trying to help. I just don’t
seem to be doing you any good.”
“Why can’t we be friends?” Ace exclaimed with growing excitement.“That’s what I want.That’s what I need.That’s all. Just friends.”
“Certainly. I am your friend. Don’t I talk to you like a friend?”
Reuben, muttering into his own phone, watched Nita.
“I know, I know,” Ace said. “But I want to see you.That’s all. Just
to be with you for a minute. Right now.”
“You can’t.” Nita’s voice was hard. “That’s not possible. I’m sorry,
but you can’t.There are rules that —”
Ace interrupted her, intense, almost whispering, maniacal: “I
can, too. I can get in there. I’m close to you.Very close.”
There was a pause. Nita replied slowly, with authority: “Listen.
You get hold of yourself. The center’s closed except for the hotline.
I’m not going to talk to you if you say things like that.You know the
“Okay, okay,” Ace said softly, suddenly contrite. “I’m sorry.”
Nita licked her lips, the tension within her contained. “That’s
“I’ll do whatever you say,” Ace said, miserable. “I’m sorry.”
“Now, why don’t you get some sleep. Come by for the session tomorrow and —”
But Ace hung up on her, smashing the receiver violently into its
Nita winced at the noise. Carefully, her mind a jumble of
thoughts, she hung up. Then she stood and grabbed her purse. As she
turned, she almost bumped into Reuben, who held out a cup of coffee
for her. She was startled.
“God, the nuts in this city,” Reuben said. “Why didn’t you give
him to me? I’d get rid of him for you.”
“He hangs up on everyone else but me.”
Nita took the coffee, but her hands were shaking. Some of the
coffee slopped onto the floor. She started past Reuben.
“Hey, are you all right?” Reuben, concerned, followed her as she
“Listen, I’m a bit shaken up. I’m going home. I’ve never done this
before, but I suspect this will be a quiet night. I’ll spell you for another
shift, whenever you want.”
“Fine. No problem.” He frowned. “Hey, you shouldn’t be walking
home alone. I’ll walk you.” Reuben was surprised — and secretly
pleased — at Nita’s sudden vulnerability.
“No, thanks, Reuben. I’m going now. It’s just a few blocks. I walk
it all the time.”
“Seriously. I’ll go with you. I’ll turn on the answering machine
and call them back later.These wackos can wait a few minutes.”
The phone rang before she could reply. He looked at it, then at
“Damn it, Reuben,” Nita said angrily. “You can’t leave. People out
there need you.”
She disappeared down the hall. Her footsteps receded hollowly.
Reuben looked anxiously after her as he reluctantly picked up the
“Crisis center. Can I help you?”
    In the half-light of the sepulcher-silent side street, Nita opened the
heavy metal door. She closed the door behind her with a clank and
pulled on it to make sure it was locked. She turned around.
    Then she saw Ace. Standing two feet from her. An odd, hard
smile stretched across his face. Nita jumped and gasped.
“I’ll walk you home,” Ace said quietly.
“Oh,” Nita said, struggling for control. “You startled me.” She
glanced up and down the deserted street. She edged away from him in
the opposite direction from her usual path home.
“There’s a coffee shop a couple of blocks away,” she said. “It’s on
my way. Maybe we could talk there for a—”
Ace grabbed her arm violently and yanked her in the other direction. “No.You live this way.”
Nita pulled away. Her purse fell off her arm, spilling its contents
on the sidewalk.They both stopped and stared at it.The danger in the
air evaporated. Nita simmered with anger. Ace seemed about to cry.

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