LAD: A British Bad Boy Romance Novel (Bad Boys of London Book 1)

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Book: LAD: A British Bad Boy Romance Novel (Bad Boys of London Book 1) by Emilia Holland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emilia Holland
by girls.  

    What if I followed her on her little trip tomorrow? Surprised her? Spied on her a little bit to discover a bit more about my enigmatic American beauty.

    No, I couldn’t wait. Patience didn’t exist when I knew she was out there, looking like that, thinking about me. Tonight had to be the night I wouldn’t let her go. The thought alone of other men, feeling on her, talking her up, taking or home only to fuck her and kick her out of their beds the next morning drove me near insane.  

    I ditched my suitcase after removing the baggie of blow from the lining, threw open the Red Pirate’s door and began the search for my Hayley.

— 8 —  

    The streets were dense with fog, but I preferred it that way. It felt like a concealing blanket for the night. Late nights, dark nights, cold nights were when I felt most happy, most alive. Days were merely a tedious build-up to the pleasures of that awaited in the twilight hours.

    I considered the options of where the girls might be. Hayley had mentioned they’d be nearby and nearby could mean a host of different venues. Luckily, I knew my way around this neighborhood Their whereabouts could be determined by a simple process of elimination— There were around ten to fifteen drinking spots in that general vicinity: The Red Pirate, which is of course ruled-out; a few other locals, which would be far too intimidating for some young American girls, a Wetherspoons, a gentleman’s club, two sheesha bars, and some other pricer options. Then there was the Pearl Lounge— The club every girl loved for it’s ‘Every Night is Ladies Night’ special. I’d put money that she would be there.

    On my way, I thought to myself about the many ways I could approach this. My wicked mind contemplated simply hiding in the corner to watch her, and should she notice me paying no mind to her being there. She’d hate that and that alone made me excited. I liked to watch her squirm— It allowed me some semblance of power that she seemed to take from. Yes, that seemed a better option than coming across desperate in walking into the bar and right up to her to kiss her. She couldn’t hold all the cards. I needed to keep my air of mystery about me.

    The outside of the Pearl was bustling with the usual late night crowd, smoking cigarettes, making conversation, males and females eyeing me up and down for their mutually different reasons. I never liked this place but found myself here often as it was a magnet for single easy women. Still, it bore me to no end the way these adults would carry on like teenagers indulging in their first night out. Add to that the sticky floor, the sweaty walls, the deafening music and the endless wait at the bar and anyone could see why I chose to settle on the Pirate— It was quaint, it was English, it dark, it was me.

    The interior of this God-forsaken establishment had a dated gaudy interior illuminated by tacky, dim blue and red lighting. I cringed upon entering but made sure to make my entrance quick in case my suspicions were confirmed that the girls here here. I kept my head low and my hair over my eyes to make myself as inconspicuous as possible.  

    Some loud giggles rung in my ears at that same American frequency. Sure enough, there they were all three of them sitting at the end of the neon-lit bar and drinking what appeared to be colorful, feminine cocktails— A recipe for the ultimate hangover.

    My back faced them now and if I positioned myself just right, I found I was able to see Hayley, drowning in the blue glow of the club, in the reflection of the mirrored wall in front of me.  

    Flawless detective work, I thought to myself. I did wonder how I’d be able to watch her from such an angle the whole night. She laughed at her friends joke and sipped her straw. The kiss came back to my mind and my Johnny twitched at the mere thought. I imagined those lips crushing against mine again. This time, however, I’d be consuming her, taking her with

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