KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4)

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Book: KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4) by Glenna Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Sinclair
    I nodded, my eyes moving slowly over the carpet and the leather upholstery and the wood accents that filled the plane’s cabin. I’d flown many times before, but I’d never thought I would fly on a private jet again.
    Kyle reached around me and secured the seatbelt to my waist before doing the same for himself. Then he leaned close and nuzzled my neck.
    “Once we get going, we’ll have a couple of hours to fill.”
    “We should probably sleep.”
    He nodded. “I’m sure there’ll be plenty of time for that, too.”
    Dread built in my chest. So much for assuming I was out of the woods.
    The flight attendant came aboard behind us, a bright smile on her lips that revealed perfect teeth that must have cost her parents a fortune at some point.
    “Can I get you a drink?”
    Kyle straightened a little. “Do you want a little something before we take off?”
    I hesitated. I didn’t drink very often. But this situation seemed to scream for a little oblivion.
    Kyle didn’t wait for me to make up my mind.
    “Why don’t you bring us both one of those Irish coffees you make so well, Samantha?”
    She smiled, tilting her head ever so slightly before quickly heading off to the back of the plane where a tiny kitchen was hidden.
    “You know their names.”
    “My father taught us that it’s good business to be respectful to those who work under us. He taught us to learn their names and to be as polite as we can without letting them think we’re soft. It’s a fine line, he told us, but he taught us how to navigate it.”
    “Your father’s a smart man.”
    Kyle nodded. “Pops is…he’s not above making the occasional mistake, but he’s a good man and he’s never failed to let all six of us know how much he loves us, even those of us who were adopted.”
    “Six kids? You mentioned you had siblings, but you never mentioned you had so many.”
    “Yeah. Killian, Sean, Ian, me, Kevin, and Stacy.”
    “How many are adopted?”
    “Four. Only Killian and Sean are biological. But Abigail made sure that we understood that that didn’t matter.”
    “Why do you call her Abigail? Why not call her mom?”
    “Because I had a mom and she wasn’t that great,” he said, pulling away from me a little. “I didn’t want to equate that woman with Abigail in my mind or in any other way.”
    There was anger in his voice. And, deep down, I could hear the hurt of a little boy, too. Whatever that woman did to him must have been something awful.
    I touched his hand, and he immediately intertwined his fingers with mine, giving my hand a little squeeze.
    “You said I told you about my biological mother,” he said after a moment. “What did I say?”
    I shook my head. “Not a lot. Just that you had another mother before Abigail came to see you in juvie. You said that she gave you options when you thought you didn’t have any. Said that if you’d had to go back to the streets you probably would have died.”
    He was quiet for a long minute. “That’s funny,” he finally said, “because I never talk about that part of my life.”
    “I told you,” I said, sliding my hand over the back of his, “we had a connection the other night. We both felt it.”
    He glanced at me, but he didn’t say anything else. Then, of course, the flight attendant chose that moment to return with our Irish coffees. Kyle slipped his hand away from mine and settled back, sipping at the coffee and exchanging small talk with the flight attendant and then the pilot as he boarded the plane. It was as if that dark cloud hadn’t been there, as though the depth of our conversation had never really existed. He was acting almost as if he didn’t want to admit that he’d ever let anyone in, even the tiniest bit. And maybe that was true. Maybe he was embarrassed by what he’d said to me the night we got married. And that made me feel like a real fool for being the one who stole that little peek into his soul.
    The flight attendant collected our cups

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