Krakens and Lies

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Book: Krakens and Lies by Tui T. Sutherland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tui T. Sutherland
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you to have it,” Blue said, a little too intensely.
    â€œI’m okay, really,” Jasmin said, setting it on the counter. “Imean, that’s really sweet, but—well, my doctor said maybe I should eat less, uh . . . wheatgrass.”
    It was true!
    Zoe leaped to her feet. “Jasmin, you have to drink it!” she cried.
    Jasmin jumped back, startled. In the living room, Captain Fuzzbutt wheeled around to face Zoe, alarmed by her tone of voice. Logan frantically started throwing blankets over the mammoth’s back, as if hoping that perhaps Jasmin would be like, “Ah, yes, just your average elephant-sized pile of blankets there, nothing remarkable.”
    â€œIt’s only a smoothie, Zoe,” Jasmin said, glancing at Blue.
    â€œZoe, calm down,” Blue said. He had on his maddening “the universe will work itself out” face.
    â€œIt’s not just a smoothie!” Zoe said passionately. “It could save your life !”
    â€œWhat?” Jasmin took a step toward the door. “You know, maybe I should—”
    â€œBlue, hold her down!” Zoe shouted. She charged around the island and grabbed the smoothie. Holy mother of dragons, it did smell completely disgusting.
    Jasmin shrieked and bolted toward the front door. Blue lunged and seized her around the waist. She yelped and kicked the air.
    â€œIt’s okay!” he yelled. “Zoe’s just being crazy! Don’t panic!”
    â€œI’m not being crazy!” Zoe cried. “Jonathan told Ruby that you have some awful terrible disease! This will cure you! I promise!” She advanced on Jasmin with the smoothie.
    â€œDo NOT MAKE ME DRINK THAT,” Jasmin shouted. “Zoe Kahn! I will seriously bite you! Blue, put me down! GET THAT HORRIFYING SLUDGE AWAY FROM ME! I don’t know what you’re talking about! I am NOT SICK! There’s nothing wrong with me! I SWEAR BY THE SECRET BOOKS OF WONDERLAND, ZOE!”
    Zoe stopped, shaking. When she and Jasmin were eight years old, they’d been in love with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass . They’d written their own “secret untold stories” of Wonderland together and hidden them under Jasmin’s bed. No one else knew about those.
    â€œYou’re . . . not sick?” she said.
    â€œI am definitely not sick ,” Jasmin said. Blue lowered her to the ground but kept his arms wrapped around her. “I have no idea why Jonathan would say that, but he’s the worst and you know it. I’m super-healthy. I’m beyond healthy. I’m Wonder Woman, okay?”
    Zoe folded both her hands around the glass. “Are you sure?”
    Jasmin gave her a quintessentially Jasmin exasperated look. “I would know if I had a terrible wasting disease, wouldn’t I?”
    â€œMaybe your parents haven’t told you for some reason,”Zoe said. “Maybe you should drink this just in case.” She took another step forward.
    Jasmin broke out of Blue’s arms and ran.
    But since Blue was between her and the front door, she darted past Zoe instead. She tore through the kitchen into the living room . . . and crashed straight into the side of a woolly mammoth.

    C aptain Fuzzbutt trumpeted and stamped his feet in a panic, flinging all the blankets off at once.
    Jasmin was knocked back onto the floor. She looked up at the mammoth and screamed, which sent the Captain into an even bigger tizzy. He flapped his ears and shuffled backward, nearly trampling Logan’s foot.
    â€œIt’s all right,” Logan yelped, dodging out of the way. “Captain, shhhhh. Jasmin, he’s harmless.”
    â€œOh my God,” Jasmin said. She scrambled to her feet and stared at the mammoth. “Oh my God .”
    Fuzzbutt trumpeted again, eyeing Jasmin warily.
    â€œShe’s a friend,” Logan said, although a week ago that wasjust about

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