Kpop Club

Read Online Kpop Club by YR Choi - Free Book Online

Book: Kpop Club by YR Choi Read Free Book Online
Authors: YR Choi
Tags: music, boyband, Korea, korean, pop, kpop, girl group
her dad about how big the van was. This proved
effective as he made her burst out with laughter when he mistakenly
thought that it was called a Chevrolet “Starship”. This amused
Krystal so much that she decided that from then on, that was its
new name.
assistant, Ben, welcomed them at the hotel and led them through the
lobby to a traditional Korean restaurant called Han. A waiter then
took them to a private room and drew back a wooden screen door to
reveal a party of people standing in front of a big banner which
read, Welcome to Kpop Club!
    “Krystal! Mr
Kim! Welcome! Come and meet the girls!” said KYM, rushing over to
shake Krystal’s dad’s hand. “Krystal, come and have a seat over
here,” he continued, pointing to an empty chair.
    Krystal was so
focused on the Kpop Club girls that it took her a while to notice
that the guys from the Andre Project were also in the room.
    “Mr Kim,
please come and join me over here,” said KYM.
    Krystal cast
her eyes over all the other members of the group; everyone looked
so different but they were all beautiful. The girls were smiling at
her so she smiled back and waved awkwardly.
    KYM tapped one
of his chopsticks against a glass to get everyone’s attention.
    “Right girls,
as you may have guessed, this is the final member of Kpop Club,
Krystal. And this is her father - Mr Kim.” said KYM.
    “Hello!” said
the girls in unison, waving to Krystal and performing miniature
seated bows to Krystal’s dad.
    “It’ll take a
while for you to learn everyone’s name Krystal, but let’s just go
around the room anyways. We have here: Hannah, Nadia, Celine,
April, Maya, Priya, Pooky, Jennifer and Rosa.”
    “Hello,” said
Krystal and her dad, also performing mini seated bows.
    “As you can
see, I’ve invited the boys from the Andre Project tonight – I
thought it’d be nice for you to meet some of the KYM family and ask
any questions you might not want to ask me. Although you can ask me
anything!” said KYM, smiling cheekily. “Now, I realise this is
somewhat of a difficult situation with so many people to meet,
Krystal. The rest of the girls already know each other very well as
they’ve been studying Korean together for the last 6 months. But
you’ll have plenty of time to get to know them and them you – and
trust me guys, you’re going to get on like a house on fire.”
    KYM paused for
a moment before continuing.
    “I’ve laid on
a special treat for you – the Han royal set menu – please eat as
much as you can. Ben, can you ask them to bring in the champagne
said Ben.
    “I’m so
pleased to be able to welcome you all to our family. It’s going to
be a lot of fun,” said KYM.
    Just then, two
waiters began waltzing around the table filling everyone’s glasses
with their choice of champagne or orange juice. Once everyone’s
glass was filled, KYM stood up to make a toast.
    “Everyone, if
you would like to raise your glasses, let’s toast the future
success of Kpop Club! Kombae!”
yelled everyone before sipping their drinks.
    “Right, please
enjoy the evening and don’t feel like you have to stay in your
seats; get up, walk about and meet the others too,” said KYM.
    The room broke
out into conversation; the Kpop Club girls and the Andre Project
guys started joking about and Krystal’s dad, Ben and KYM began
talking about politics. As luck would have it, Krystal was sat next
to Andrew and he wasted no time in striking up a conversation. As a
kpop megastar, she half expected him to be pompous and rude but
nothing could be further from the truth. He was polite and humble
and spent the majority of the evening asking her about her musical
inspirations and aspirations.
    Aside from the
fact that she couldn’t stop staring at his bulging biceps, talking
to Andrew was easy. He was just her type; tall, handsome and
well-built with soulful dark brown eyes and cool jet black hair. As
her eyes explored the rest

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