Knotted Roots

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Book: Knotted Roots by Ruthi Kight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruthi Kight
of the barn but
she was not there either. 
    As I
walked out of the barn I finally found the object of my rage.  There she was,
walking towards the two trucks parked out front, while Chase and Brian walked
on either side of her.  I stomped towards them, meeting them halfway.  The
smiles on their faces gradually dissolved when they saw the fire burning in my
the hell? Why did you leave me at home Grandma?” I yelled at her.  I couldn’t
control the spew of venom, and at this point, there wasn’t any point trying
to.  “I told you last night that I would come with you today!”
calm down Roxie.  There’s no-” Chase began but I immediately cut him off.
out of this.  This is family business, and you’re not family,” I growled at
him.  I turned my attention away from him, but not before I saw the hurt flash
in his eyes.
listen here, young lady!  Chase and Brian are both part of my family, so if you wish to be included in that category, I would watch that
haughty tone of yours now .” I could practically see the anger as it
boiled off of her, becoming nearly tangible in the early morning light of the
that’s how it is?  You are quick to stick up for them, to protect them, but to
hell with me?  I’m your flesh and blood! Your one and only grandchild, but I
guess that doesn’t mean much when you have these two,” I pointed my fingers
between Chase and Brian, “here instead.  Fine, I don’t want any part of this.”
quickly whirled around and started to run away from them, refusing to let them
see the tears that began to fall from my eyes.  I angrily wiped them away as I
jogged back to the dirt road that would lead me back to the house.  I hadn’t
made it very far when I heard footsteps approaching from behind.  I spun back
around, my eyes full of tears and malice, and came face to face with Chase.  I
was far too angry to be in awe of his appearance this time.
You. Dare.” I pointed my finger at him, vigorously shaking my head back and
forth.  “You have no right to follow me.  Just leave me alone.”
just wanted to make sure you were okay.  Betty can get a lil bit over
protective of us sometimes,” he said as he carefully approached me, his hands
raised in front of him as if to calm down a raging animal.  I guess I did
resemble one at that moment.  “She loves you.  I mean, really loves you.  The
whole week before you arrived she could do nothing else but talk about you and
how wonderful it would be to have you here.”
have fooled me, that’s for sure,” I said.  I knew I was acting like a child,
possibly even trying to pull some complimentary information from him, but at
that moment I couldn’t have cared less.
shook his head as he lowered his hands, shoving them deep into the pockets of
his faded blue jeans.  “You have no idea how lucky you are Roxie.  Betty is
incredible.  I would give anything to truly be a part of her family, not just
an honorary member.”
stared at him, unsure what to say.  Sure, everyone knew how great Grandma was,
especially me, but did he have to remind me?  In comparison to her, I was
nothing.  There was no way that I could ever live up to her legacy, or her
expectations.  Taking my silence as the end of the conversation, he turned to
walk away.  I had a moment’s panic as I realized he was about to leave.  A part
of me wanted him to stay, to have him attempt to calm me more, but another part
wanted to throttle him for being so damn sweet and caring.  I had never met
anyone like him before.  Maybe that’s why Grandma had tried to warn me away
from him.
I started to reach for him, but when he turned and faced me I let my hand
drop.  “I don’t exactly know how to ask this...but why does Grandma treat you
like you’re breakable?”
brief flicker of sadness crossed his face so fast that I wasn’t sure I just
imagined it.  He ran a

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