Knight's Legacy

Read Online Knight's Legacy by Trenae Sumter - Free Book Online

Book: Knight's Legacy by Trenae Sumter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trenae Sumter
are, my angel. So wet, hot, and tight. Yes … let me feel you move.”
    She obliged, undulating her hips with the motion of his hand. His warm mouth touched the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat, then her ear, while she opened her mouth on his chest, licking, tasting him. Stroking his belly, she closed her hand gently around his erection. Closing his eyes, he groaned as she caressed him, tracing the length, circling the tip. Her touch was sweet torture that lit a fire to his loins and threatened to consume him.
    â€œNo. Sweet.”
    He delicately pushed her hand away. “I shall spill my seed too soon if you persist. Forgive me, but I can wait no longer to be inside you.”
    He parted her thighs with his knee, then prepared her for his entry with his fingers. She embraced him, and he watched her face as she tossed her head on the bed.
    â€œRoderic … please.”
    â€œI don’t want to hurt you. Do you think you are ready for me now?”
    She whimpered when he kissed her. “Yes, please, Roderic, don’t tease me anymore.”
    Positioning himself, he carefully moved her legs over his hips. Cat wound her arms around his back as he plunged inside her, and she cried out. The expression of pain in her pretty eyes wrenched his soul, and he lay very still, when all he wanted was to plunge into her sweet, hot sheath again and again.
    Though her eyes welled with tears, she refused to let them fall, making a valiant effort to hide her pain from him. Roderic studied her reaction, his brown eyes troubled when she caressed his arms and shoulders.
    â€œIt’s all right,” she whispered hoarsely. “It doesn’t hurt … that much.”
    He kissed her tenderly again and again and then gently nipped her earlobe. “What a wonderful liar you are, sweet,” he whispered.
    She reached out to take his face in her hands. She moved, and he groaned as she squirmed against him, the fiery sheath of her body sending a thrill through his.
    â€œPlease, little one. Be still now. I don’t want to hurt you more. Be still.”
    His hand slipped down from her hip to caress her thigh, cupping her knee to bring it high on his hip.
    Reaching down to grip her hips in his strong palms, he smiled. “Look at us. See how we are joined?” He kissed her deeply, then gently nipped her shoulder.
    â€œSay my name. I want you to know who’s loving you. Tell me who you belong to.” It was a gruff command.
    â€œRoderic. I belong to you, my gentle knight.”
    Welcoming him with her entire body, she reached out to hold him, hands moving over his buttocks. Cat rubbed her feet on the back of his legs. “Come to me … yes, now. Come to me now,” she said.
    The plea sent him over the edge, moving to the age old rhythm of love. Roderic reached down to hold her firm backside as he thrust inside her again and again. A glowing image of fire, passion, and light exploded in his body. He said her name in a lusty groan. Although consumed by his orgasm, his hand moved between their bodies as he touched the soft red curls, stroking while he continued to move.
    Cat was frantic for release. How did he know just how to touch her to drive her wild? She felt poised outside a magnificent realm of pleasure, so close; then suddenly, she felt it, pure and intense.
    Roderic held her tight as he felt the wonderful spasms, her inner clenching that signaled the peak of her pleasure, watching her intently as she threw her head back and cried out. Her nails scored the heavy muscles in his upper arms. Beautiful, weak from her pleasure and breathing heavily, she slowly relaxed in his arms.
    Cat reached up and touched his lips with her fingertips, her other hand stroking his chest, resting above his heart. Roderic was moved by the look in her eyes when she opened them, full of trust and caring. Catching her hand, he kissed the palm.
    She fell asleep while he cuddled her to him. He moved from her

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