Kiss of Danger (The Dragon Legion Novellas)

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Book: Kiss of Danger (The Dragon Legion Novellas) by Deborah Cooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Cooke
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a hill that was well out of sight of the village. He was going to do as she asked and show her what he could do. But then, Alexander was always a man whose actions spoke more clearly than his few words.
    The dragon landed with that same easy grace and set her on her feet.
    Katina held her ground and met his gaze, wanting him to see that she was unafraid of him, whatever he was.
    “You should avert your gaze,” he advised.
    “They say it can make a human insane to witness the change.”
    Katina wasn’t one to put stock in rumors, and she already knew that seeing such a change wouldn’t challenge her sanity. She already knew such feats were possible. “Who says that?”
    If a dragon could be said to smile, this one did. “Others of my kind insist it’s true.”
    “Have you seen any human go crazy at the sight?”
    He considered the matter, then shook his head.
    And Alexander never lied to her.
    “Then I’ll keep my eyes open.” Katina lifted her chin. “Show me.”
    The dragon’s gaze brightened. The way his eyes glittered was both familiar and alien: it reminded her of Alexander when he was intent, yet seemed reptilian. “My bold Katina,” he murmured, the low familiar sound sending a shiver through her.
    Then all she saw was the similarity with Alexander.
    As she watched, that same strange blue shimmer lit around his perimeter. It became radiant, a wondrous yet unusual glow, and then within the halo of illumination, Katina caught a glimpse of the dragon’s silhouette changing.
    The dragon’s wings became smaller and folded down into his back, melding into his shoulders. His tail shortened until it, too, disappeared. His claws became hands and feet, his scaled hide faded from view, and Alexander in his strange clothes stood before her instead. It all happened in the blink of an eye. That blue light shimmered briefly around his body, before it was extinguished.
    He waited in silence for her to respond, watching her with care, just as Alexander was inclined to do.  
    Katina wanted to laugh with delight. She had a good look at him, verifying that her eyes and her hope hadn’t deceived her. Alexander was wearing his strange clothing again, although the front of his upper garment hung open to reveal the tanned expanse of his chest. He was exactly as he should be, and she knew he couldn’t possibly have been hiding here or otherwise disguised.
    Alexander was the dragon.
    The dark dragon drawn on his shoulder suddenly made more sense.
    It marked him as what he was.
    This explained why the dragon had some to her rescue. Katina exhaled, surprised to find her insides quivering with joy. Learning Alexander’s secret made Katina feel as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders. She didn’t have to hide her own truth from him any longer. She didn’t have to fear his reaction.
    They had so much in common.
    She walked toward him, cautiously placing one hand on his chest as he watched her. His heart pounded beneath her hand, beneath the familiar heat of muscle and bone. She hardly dared to believe her good fortune, and had to be sure this was as perfect as she believed it to be. Was there a trick?
    “What god gave you this gift and at what price?” she asked.
    Alexander studied her, as if deciding what to tell her. He was so still that he might have seen the secrets of her heart. “You aren’t afraid,” he mused and her heart skipped. “You’re not even surprised.”
    Katina smiled, not ready to explain all of her reaction just yet. “You’re the man I love, and that doesn’t change, even if you have kept a secret from me.”
    Alexander studied her and she watched conviction dawn in his eyes, as well as pleasure. “My bold bride,” he murmured with admiration, then closed his hand over hers.
    “I knew there was something you weren’t telling me.”
    “But how? I was so careful...”
    Katina laced her fingers between his. “Not so careful as that. You answered the door before anyone

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