Kink the Halls: A Christmas Novella

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Book: Kink the Halls: A Christmas Novella by Dawn Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Robertson
wraps tightly against me.
    “I don't want you to go anywhere, Paisley. Ever.” His thumb rubs along my bottom lip, and my body quivers under his touch. He slowly pulls away from me, and digs in his pocket, pulling out a set of keys with a heart shaped keychain. Certainly not what I was expecting. What exactly was I expecting?
    “You are going to have to wait till the morning for your real present, so don't pout.” He laughs, and I smile. Not realizing my face had shown whatever upset look I just plastered on it without thought. “This, is a key to my house. It is a little sudden, but I was thinking maybe you would want to move in with me. No pressure. It’s up to you.” Move in with him? I’ve never lived with a guy before. I mean, yeah, I’ve done a lot of sleepovers, but I’ve always had my own space to go back to. Is that something I really wanted to give up? Then again, this house isn't my space. Star owns it. This is her place, that she shares with her child. Am I just imposing?
    “I'm going to have to think about it,” I’m honest, even though I’m tempted to jump in and say yes. It would be too much, too soon. Damn we just fucked last night. What is next? A trip down the aisle? Why is this on fast forward?
    “But, River, I want to spend time with you, I want this. I want us.” It’s the truth. “We just need time, I won't leave. I promise.” His face morphs into the biggest smile I’ve ever seen plastered to his face. I lean my face closer to his, and press my lips to his. Our mouths meet in a mixture of promise and lust. I want to drag him back up to my bedroom and share a repeat of last night, Christmas Vacation and all. That is when I realize it’s nights like this that I can share with him forever. No question in my mind.
    Behind us, someone clears their throat. More like an entire table full of coughs, sputters, and backhanded comments. Like we should expect anything different from our families? His fingers lace between mine as we turn to face our audience.
    “Hey Ryker, you think we can trade chairs?” The gruff biker eyes him before he grunts like a caveman and moves to where River was sitting before our kitchen discussion.
    “So my house just got even more cramped huh?” Chrome's voice crosses the table, and I instantly feel bad for telling River I will move in. I didn't even realize that he lived with Chrome. I am sure in passing conversation it has been discussed, but the past month has been a pretty big blur.
    “I'm sorry, I can just stay here.” I interrupt. I feel my face turning crimson as Chrome starts laughing. Star joins him and soon most of the table is laughing. I am not really sure what is so funny though.
    “Honey, Merry Christmas. The house is both of yours. Scarlett and I are moving in here with Star and Magnolia.” Star smiles like a love struck fool, and I know exactly how she feels because I’m wearing the same expression.
    Both Magnolia and Scarlett screech like only tween girls can, jumping up and down, high fiving each other before flinging themselves into each other’s arms. “YAAAHHHHHHH!”

'Twas the Night Before Christmas and I'm hungry as Fuck
    If I didn't know any better, I would think this small child is eating me from the inside out. I stuffed my face three hours ago. Star was putting food away, and I was picking at every plate as it went into the fucking fridge. Now here I am, plundering the fucking cabinets like a pirate. I am sure my ass will be the size of a house by the time I shit this kid out.
    A pan slams to the floor and I jolt. Turning around I see Levi standing behind me with an amused look on his face. Everyone had gone to bed almost two hours ago, including the both of us. I just couldn't sleep through the hunger pains. Damn it.
    “Hungry again?” he laughs, because this has become a common occurrence in the middle of the night. It always ensures something nice and fresh for me to barf up first thing in the morning. Oh the

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