Kingdoms in Chaos

Read Online Kingdoms in Chaos by Michael James Ploof - Free Book Online

Book: Kingdoms in Chaos by Michael James Ploof Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael James Ploof
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
dropped to her knees and begged him to spare her people. She would give her life—her very soul—to save them. But she had no life to give.
    “How many do you suppose are left on the island?” Zander asked.
    “Perhaps ten thousand children, and elders. There are no warriors left among them,” said Aurora, hoping to dissuade the dark elf.
    He saw through her feeble ruse. “I need not warriors. Children, elders—they will all do just fine. I find that undead children work quite well in psychological warfare.”
    Tremors of rage betrayed her calm facade. She wanted nothing more than to strike him down. Yet she was unable to move against him, just as she was unable to deny his will.
    “I believe it would be fitting if you led the liberation.”
    Aurora turned to him, disgusted. “Liberation?”
    A sneer found his face quickly. “Yes, from this mortal coil, this ‘hell on earth’, as the humans are fond of saying. In death they will know a peace that is only fleeting in dreams.”
    “Perhaps you should liberate yourself.” Aurora gasped, unbelieving of the words that had come out of her mouth. Zander’s eyes widened with shock for a heartbeat. So quickly did the moment pass that she thought maybe it hadn’t occurred. Had she really just spoken out against him? Azzeal had noticed the slight as well, and while he didn’t turn to regard them, his head cocked to the side. She could just imagine him smirking on the other side of the raven-feathered hood.
    Zander’s same condescending smile returned. If his confidence had faltered, he had found it again. “I cannot punish you with pain, for you seek it out, and now find it a pleasure. What, then, should I do to help you remember your place?” He regarded her, feigning deep thought, and tapped his pointed chin with a long metal-tipped finger. “Perhaps I could let you know love once more. But…who is left in the world who loves Aurora Snowfell?”
    A wave of depression washed through Aurora’s dark soul. This was nothing new. She had accepted who she was and what she had done. It was true; no one loved her, not even herself.
    Zander was seemingly satisfied with the effect he had on her, and urged his undead horse back to oversee the progress of the ship building.
    Aurora felt a small victory. She had somehow spoken her mind against her master, so perhaps she would soon be able to act against him as well.
    “He is wrong, you know.”
    Aurora stared at the raven hood. “What did you just say?”
    Azzeal turned to face her. His eyes shimmered with emotion and understanding. “He was wrong when he said that no one yet lives who loves you. I love you.”
    She stared at him, her own tears suddenly teetering upon the cusp. Emotion burst in her throat, cutting like a glowing blade. Her chest burned deep inside, a place she had thought dead. “These are Zander’s words. He taunts me.”
    “My words are my own, Lady of the North. I learned of you many hundred years ago. Indeed, I set in motion events that led to your birth. For all those long decades I pondered who you might be—she who would one day take my life. I hated you for many years, but then I realized that it was not your fault. It was my punishment. The first time I met you I knew who you were, and what you would do. I accepted my fate long ago. And over the years, waiting for you to come into my life, I realized that I loved you. You are the balancer. My actions led to your birth, and many others, but they also snuffed thousands from the timeline of this reality. I acted as a savior and executioner, and my punishment was two hundred years of knowing of my death. Now I have been cursed with undeath and the memories of what I have been forced to do by Zander’s will.”
    His glowing eyes had faded, and now looked almost elven. Like Aurora, he hadn’t been dead for long before he was raised and he was still beautiful. Azzeal had a feral quality to him, etched facial lines, a sharp jaw, a strong brow, and

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