Kingdom's Edge

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Book: Kingdom's Edge by Chuck Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chuck Black
rebellion was born.
    â€œWe fought defensively at first, still not wanting to believe what was happening. But when they drew first blood on Ramon, we knew there was no turning back.”
    Ramon lifted the portion of his tunic that remained, after having used part of it for William’s bandage, and revealed a deep scar that crossed his chest.
    Keef continued. “Ramon quickly recovered and slew his attacker. I injured a second to make the fight even, but our skirmish brought attention, and three more knights came to join the fight. I recognized them and guessed them to be loyal to Lucius. I was right. Our situation was grave. We fought back-to-back to provide as much protection for each other as possible, but we could not last long.”
    Keef’s eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed. I sympathized with him, having just escaped our own deaths by a very narrow margin.
    â€œI was never so glad to see the Prince ride up on His white stallion as I was that night. The five traitorous knights ran to the shadows and disappeared. Their boldness temporarily faded in the presence of the Prince. We explained our understanding of the situation to the Prince as we walked with Him to the palace.
    â€œÂ â€˜Come with Me to the King,’ the Prince said. Micalem, second in command under Lucius and a brilliant knight as well as an outstanding warrior, joined us inside the palace. His face revealed his sorrow at the news of the rebellion.
    â€œThe three of us and the Prince entered the throne room and approached the King. We knelt before His Majesty, and He bid us to rise. ‘It has happened, Father,’ the Prince said. ‘Yes, as I feared it would,’ the King said. ‘Gather the Silent Warriors who are loyal and prepare for war, My Son.’ ‘As you wish, Father,’ the Prince said.

    â€œWe bowed and left the King. The Prince took us to another chamber. ‘Micalem,’ he said, ‘you are now in command of the Silent Warriors. Stay with Me to plan our next move. Keef and Ramon, gather those you know to be loyal and brief them on the situation. Then spread out and gather all other loyal knights. Gentlemen, there is no war more deadly or devastating than a war from within. Be careful.’
    â€œWe turned to leave. ‘Keef, Ramon,’ the Prince said, ‘well done!’ ‘Well done’ was all He said, and yet it was all I needed to take on an army. When we go back home, those are the words I hope to hear again.
    â€œWe gathered our men through the night, and by morning the lines were drawn. Lucius had claimed over fifteen hundred knights. Some of our finest warriors had sided with him—men such as Envor, Hatlin, and Luskan. Knights we had respected and admired were now our enemies. I still don’t understand how Lucius convinced them to turn against the King!
    â€œThe war was fierce, but we outnumbered them two to one. Their only option was to flee the kingdom or be destroyed. And that, Sir Cedric, is why this land is in peril. The Dark Knight brought his Shadow Warriors, as they became known, to this kingdom. Although this land is theKing’s, the Dark Knight is determined to rule it. And if he can’t rule it, he will destroy it. You may never have seen the Dark Knight, but you can be sure he is here. Even the Silent Warriors fear his fight, for he is powerful and merciless. Only the Prince Himself is able to overcome him.”
    â€œBut why did the Prince come here disguised as a peasant?” I said. “Why not just bring an entire army and retake the kingdom?”
    â€œBecause He doesn’t want just a kingdom, Cedric,” Keef said. “He wants a kingdom of people with hearts that love and serve willingly. People like you. He wants people who honestly desire to follow the Code. A full-scale assault on this land would destroy that. The King loves these people, and He has provided a way for them to live.”
    â€œThe Prince made

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