Kingdom Come

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Book: Kingdom Come by Devi Mara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devi Mara
    He did not look at the president, but he radiated tension. The meeting had clearly not gone his way. She wondered why he would deal with the man if he disliked him so much. It was odd. The president’s voice cut off her train of thought.
    “Your Majesty, would you mind if Miss Ashley joins us for lunch?”
    She blinked at him. She thought she was already invited. Glancing at Agent Jackson, she saw him watching the prince carefully.
    “I don’t mind,” the prince answered, tonelessly.
    She mentally flinched. “I can grab something in the kitchen. I don’t want to intrude.” She started to rise, when the prince raised his head to look at her.
    “Please, stay,” he said, the intensity in his gaze matching his words.
    She stared at him. “You’re sure?”
    He nodded silently.
    “Okay.” She looked at the president. “Should I take notes?”
    He was watching the prince. “I don’t think that will be necessary, Miss Ashley.”
    After she settled back in her seat, the table fell into a tense silence. She occupied herself by watching the behavior of those around her. The president was definitely pleased about something. The smirk had not left his face once since he had stepped outside. Agent Jackson stood behind him on the right.
    She caught him sending unreadable looks toward the guards, Konani in particular. She frowned. Konani was the prince’s head advisor. She looked at the tall redhead to see her face set in an emotionless mask. Limek, on the other hand, was showing his displeasure with an even more severe look than usual.
    “Miss Ashley.”
    She jerked her attention to the president, who was staring at her. She looked around to see everyone had turned to look at her.
    “I’m sorry. What were you saying, sir?”
    His eyes slid to the prince and back to her, so fast she thought she imagined it. “I asked if you would show the ambassador the gardens.”
    Her eyes widened. “Um…” She could see the prince watching her from the corner of her eye. “I’m not sure that’s-“
    “Miss Ashley,” he cut her off. “Show our guest the garden.” It was no longer a request.
    Nervousness bubbled in her stomach, but she forced a smile. Alone with the prince. This was going to be a nightmare of stuttering and blushing. She rose from her chair with what she hoped was gracefulness and nodded to the prince. He smiled faintly and rounded the end of the table, falling into step with her.
    “I’m sorry I don’t know anything about the gardens.”
    She wracked her mind for something to say that would not make her sound like an idiot. They passed roses of every shade, bright yellows and pretty pinks, and still the prince stayed silent. It was not until they were out of sight of the lunch gazebo, he turned his head to look down at her.
    “Do you enjoy working here?”
    She paused mid step. His voice was as engaging as she remembered. From so close, it seemed to vibrate in her chest. It took her a moment to realize he had asked her a question.
    “I guess so.” She could hear the uncertainty in her tone and from the slight turn of his head in her direction, she knew he heard it too.
    “I see.” He paused next to a cluster of white roses. “Do you like roses?”
    She blinked at the change in topic. “They aren’t my favorite, but yes.”
    He turned to face her, the full brunt of his appearance hitting her at once. She swallowed hard and tried to ignore the way his lips moved when he spoke.
    “What do you favor?”
    She licked her lips. “Uh.”
    He took a step toward her. “What do you find beautiful?”
    His voice had taken on a warm tone and she found herself unable to keep her eyes off him. When he met her eyes for several heartbeats, it took all her willpower not to say ‘you’.
    “Lilies,” she blurted.
    “Yes,” he said. “They are very beautiful.” He broke eye contact and continued walking.
    She hurried to catch up, her heels sinking into the ground as they reached the recently watered

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