King Cobra (Hot Rods)

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Book: King Cobra (Hot Rods) by Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon
yet not. Always interesting. Just like the paint jobs she designed and applied to the cars they restored. “He’ll help you think it through.”
    Rather than argue those points, Eli picked something simpler. “It’s after midnight. He’s in bed by now, I’m sure.”
    “Nah,” Kaige disagreed. “He stopped by for a few beers before. We told him something was up with you and Al. Actually, he kind of insisted that you come see him when you got home. Sorry, dude.”
    Holden jabbed his fingers into the mini-blinds and separated two of the slats to peer into the night. “The porch light is on. He’s staying up for you. Better not keep him waiting any longer. Don’t waste the chance to lean on what you’ve got. None of the rest of us are that lucky unless we borrow your dad.”
    “Crap!” For the first time since his curfew days, Eli suffered a moment of panic over walking through that door at this ungodly hour. “Fine. Fuck. I’m going. Who’s opening with me tomorrow? Shit…today. Kaige? Carver? Get your asses to bed. Nobody should be dragging when we’re working with the lifts and equipment. We’ll talk about this more this weekend.”
    “Promise?” Sally looked up at him with wide eyes.
    “Damn it, yes.” With that he spun on his heel and jogged down the stairs, across the lawn and onto the porch of his father’s home. He usually loved having the guy so close. But tonight, he wasn’t sure their proximity played to his advantage.
    Was he ready to share everything? Even if he didn’t know what all that entailed yet?
    He trusted his father above anyone else in the world. The death of Eli’s mom had brought them closer. Almost more like friends than father and son. They’d been there for each other, then for the Hot Rods they’d discovered and inherited in the years following.
    “In here, Eli,” his dad called from the living room as if the flash of the TV, which probably aired some travel documentary, didn’t highlight the way.
    “Hi.” Nothing else came to mind.
    “So, you want to tell me what had you two kids peeling out of here like harebrains? Those damn engines are loud enough to have all our neighbors calling and complaining to me.” Tom London didn’t beat around the bush.
    “Since when do you give a shit what Mrs. Shoff thinks of us anyway?”
    “You’re right, I don’t give a damn.” Tom clicked off the TV and angled toward Eli. “But I’ve had enough of this sulking. I want to know what’s wrong.”
    Eli sank into a comfortably worn recliner, rested his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands. “It’s complicated, Dad.”
    “I’m not stupid. I’ll follow.” Tom crossed his arms.
    “Are you pissed?” He narrowed his eyes at the rare irritation his father seemed to be barely containing. This wasn’t good. Hell, was he screwing up with everyone he loved lately?
    “Kind of. Disappointed, actually.”
    Eli hadn’t heard that tone since a bunch of them had gotten busted racing for money on a dangerous road one night in his early twenties. He’d hoped never to earn that slimy feeling in his gut again. “Why?”
    “I thought you trusted me.” The statement rang with accusation.
    “I do.” Eli wasn’t lying. His dad had always been there for him. Maybe he’d been stupid not to come here sooner for this talk. “It’s just…my issue affects more than me. Not sure it’s right to drag everyone else’s skeletons out in the open.”
    “Is one of the Hot Rods in trouble?” Tom leaned forward in his seat. “You’ve got to tell me if they are. I can help.”
    “No. Nothing like that.” He hated the relief that washed over his dad’s face. His dad had really been worried. And without facts to go on, he’d probably assumed the worst. “It’s kind of, maybe, good news. Things are changing. There’s a relationship thing happening. But it could cause some issues in the gang. That’s what’s bothering me. I don’t want to alienate anybody. I can’t

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