Kidnapped the Wrong Sister

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Book: Kidnapped the Wrong Sister by Marie Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Kelly
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Romantic Erotica
bumping into Nikias made her shiver with sensations she was trying so hard to ignore.  Better to stay in her room, she finally told herself, than to risk coming across him again.  Looking at her watch, she sighed seeing that she had plenty of time until dinner as it was still only four in the afternoon.  However, as she entered her room, her whole body suddenly felt heavy.  Diona was not used to the intense heat, or the long hours walking in it, and she felt tired as she dropped onto the bed, almost instantly falling into a deep sleep, her body draped across the cool cream sheets as her hair streamed across the covers like a halo.
    Nikias heard her enter the house and sat for a while thinking about this woman who was causing such disruption to his orderly world.  Closing his eyes, he could still see her wonderful body, and he knew that he wanted her with a need which he had not felt for any woman for such a long time.  His wealth, along with his good looks and charismatic presence, made him a big attraction to women.  They threw themselves at him, and he found himself bored with them after a very short time.  True, as she said, he played the field, but he found that he had little interest in them once he bedded them, finding most women to be shallow and of little substance and he quickly came to view them as disposable.  However, this little witch was getting to him, this woman whom his brother had decided to marry, this woman who was an obvious little gold digger.  Nikias scowled thinking about Diona, yes she was the worst kind of woman,  yet she was also smart, funny, and full of surprises.  She had not pursued him as most did, in fact while she so obviously returned his desire, she seemed to fight the attraction she felt towards him, making him want her all the more.
    His brother’s phone call not only angered him, it made him feel so guilty.  Alexis told him on the phone that he had a problem that he had to sort out before he could come home. Nikias heard the pain in his voice, knowing that he was looking for the woman he had so nearly made love to; the woman he still yearned to make love to, her face coming to his mind.  He stood with determination, and for one of the few times in his life he decided that he was going to put his needs before those of his brother.  He wanted the women upstairs, and with certainty he knew that he had to have her, no matter how much it might upset Alexis.
    Moving up the stairs he gently tapped on her door.  Hearing no sound he moved inside, seeing her asleep on the bed.  As he stood over her, watching her sleeping form, he held in the groan as he thought how child-like she looked as she lay so innocently.  He frowned at this thought, knowing what she was, but still feeling the need for her invading his whole being.  With a small sigh, he left the room, needing to think carefully about how he approached Diona Brown.
    After several hours of blissful peace, Diona awoke, feeling refreshed from her sleep.  Looking at her watch, she gasped, seeing that it was nearly 6:30 and feeling the telling pangs of hunger in her stomach.  Moving into the shower, she washed before dressing.  As she started to pull her hair into its usual knot, she stilled her hands before pulling her hair around her shoulders, seeing how it softened her lovely features.  Not fully understanding her own feelings at that moment, she let it hang down around her as she dressed in a red shirt and black skirt, seeing in the mirror how lovely she looked. 
    Diona never really bothered about her looks before, leaving that to her sister, who was beautiful and knew it.  She preferred to slip quietly into the background, although given that she was every bit as attractive as her sister, this had not always been possible.  Many men tried to get to know her better, but she never encouraged them and most gave up fairly quickly.  However, Nikias had completely breached her usual defences and she was confused and

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