Keepers & Killers (The Alchemy Series)

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Book: Keepers & Killers (The Alchemy Series) by Donna Augustine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Augustine
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why? Because I kicked him into a wormhole? He made it out fine. He said I, we, turned on him, but I never even knew him." Him was still several cars in front of us.
    "I don't know. If I've learned one thing in this world, I don't ignore my gut feelings. And my gut is screaming that this - whatever he is - we haven't even seen the beginning of what he's capable of."
    I watched him open the Ferrari up as we headed off the main part of the strip.  I knew he was trying to release some of the energy he had pent up inside. I knew he was as angry as I was , but I wasn't sure if it was for the same reasons. After he'd been shot by the sniper, he'd seemed concentrated but not this angry.
    As far as Rick went, I suspected Cormac had killed his fair share of people. Hell, he 'd tried to kill me. This anger wasn't just about Rick either.
    "Don 't get too close to him! He'll spot us."
    "I know a little bit about this."
    I leaned back in my seat as we hit the desert and tried to clear my mind. "Rick never would have shot himself, ever. He was tough. But what kind of thing could make him do that?"
    "I believe you. I 've seen people lose it. He wasn't on the edge. His movements, even right up to the end, didn't show any strain."
    My head snapped in his direction. "How long were you there?"
    "Does it matter?" He didn't bother looking at me.
    "Yes. It 's creepy." How could he not know that?
    "I wasn 't just watching you two, I was watching the senator watch you."
    My skin crawled at the thought of the senator watching us as well. "Thanks. That just upped the creepy factor another notch."
    "And I thought we agreed we were working as a team on this?"
    Now he looked at me. I guess this he deemed important. I wondered when he'd get to that.
    "I needed to do this solo."
    "Because I did. Look, I 've never done a team effort before, on anything, so you are going to have to cut me some slack here and there." I hoped that was going to be good enough because I wasn't going to elaborate any further.
    He turned his full attention back to the road and didn 't say anything else.
    "Why would he be heading to California ?" I asked as I saw the sign quickly approaching.
    The tires screeched and I banged into the side of the door as Cormac jerked the wheel and we skidded and swung around.
    "What's wrong?" The car finally came to a stop on the opposite shoulder, facing the other direction. I thanked god there hadn't been any other cars.
    "What the hell is wrong with you? You say we have to follow him, and sell me on all this hero shit, and now we 're losing him?" I watched the senator's car shrink from a dot on the horizon to nothing. I knew he was right. We had to get the bastard or who knew what would come next. Even if I wasn't ready for a full blown confrontation, I still wanted to know where he was going. We needed information and Cormac had stopped in the middle of the best tail we'd had?
    He grabbed the key from the ignition and stepped out of the car , holding his phone.
    "Cormac! What the hell are you doing! We don 't have time for a phone call," I screamed, as I followed him out.
    He held up a finger in a motion for me to give him a minute. I eyed the keys in his hand but I knew I didn 't have a shot at getting them from him. Then I eyed the car. In my teens, I'd hotwired a car or two. Okay, maybe more like a couple of hundred, and I wondered if I still had the skills, if cars were still wired the same.
    I walked back to the car as casually as I could , while he talked to whoever was so goddamn important that we were losing the senator. I was a foot away when he swooped in quicker than I'd ever seen him move and shut the doors, the lock sounding as I looked on. I would've taken a swing at him, I was so pissed, but he was already ten feet away, still on the phone.
    "I don 't want to be partnered with you anymore!" I yelled in his direction. "You suck at this!"
    Aggravated beyond words, I started walking in the direction of California. I knew it

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