Keep It Real (From the Files of Madison Finn, 19)

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Book: Keep It Real (From the Files of Madison Finn, 19) by Laura Dower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Dower
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here with loads of your collages and other stuff. You haven’t looked at those in ages.”
    “I know,” Madison said wistfully. Before Dad got her a laptop, Madison had spent lots of time typing on their old computer, tearing up magazines, and doing other things down in the Finn basement. She used to play “school” with only herself as both teacher and students, and she still had the make-believe tests to show for it. Each “student” had special handwriting and special habits; for example, Jorge was a lousy speller, and Emerson liked to draw smiley faces over all of her letter I ’s. There were so many happy memories of teaching down in that basement that, despite Mom’s pleas, Madison knew it would be impossible for her to clean up or throw anything out from her file cabinets and shelves.
    “I’ll deal with it later,” she told Mom abruptly.
    “Okay, then,” Mom called back. “I’ll be up in an hour and we can decide on dinner. I have taco mix, broccoli, and tofu tonight.”
    Madison grimaced. A few years back Mom had gone vegetarian, thanks to the influence of Aimee’s mom, who always prepared macrobiotic meals. Madison still wasn’t too happy about the switch to vegetarianism, even though she knew it was the healthier way.
    After tossing her bag onto the kitchen table, Madison opened her laptop. While it booted up, Madison opened up a container of strawberry yogurt and spooned it into a bowl along with some honey granola and raisins. If she was forced to eat tofu later, she needed a decent snack now.
    Madison’s laptop beeped with e-mail.
    “Yeah!” she shrieked. It was the one she’d been waiting for.
From: Bigwheels
    To: MadFinn
    Subject: Re: TweenBlurt
    Date: Wed 13 Oct 4:10
    Thanks for your e-mail & sorry I haven’t written back but I’ve had 3 MAJOR tests on Monday and Tuesday and I’m only now checking my mailbox. I’m in school, in the tech lab and I’m blowing off my HW so--don’t tell anyone! *>)
    You know I think we should write in to one of those shows where two people get made over TOGETHER. How cool would that b?
    BTW yes I have been on tweenblurt a lot l8ly and I’m guessing (is it keypal ESP?) that you are talking about the new feature BLOGGERBLURT aka BB. Um…did u find my blog there? I knew you would--!!!:>) And I know I should have said something b4 but I wasn’t sure what to say exactly. I mean ur like my BFF online and normally I’d spill and tell u everything but I just can’t this time. Not yet. Sorry.
    Pleasepleaseplease WBS.
    Yours till the lily pads (we did virtual frog dissections last week!).
Vicki aka Bigwheels
    Madison swallowed a few more spoonfuls of yogurt and granola as she scanned Bigwheels’s e-mail again. But no matter how many times she reread the words, Madison couldn’t accept it.
    Bigwheels had a BIG secret?
    Madison needed to find out exactly what it was. Soon.

Chapter 7
From: MadFinn
    To: Bigwheels
    Subject: Re: Re: TweenBlurt
    Date: Thurs 14 Oct 11:20
    Now I’m the one in the media lab @ school writing 2 u! Thanks 4 ur e-mail. Is everything ok? U sound different. I know u said u couldn’t talk about it but I wanted to make sure u know that u can always ALWAYS keep it real w/me. Really. I consider u 2 be 1 of my BFs of course even tho ur all the way across the USA. So…
    We have this weird project in school. We’re keeping journals. It sounds like my kind of thing but for some reason I am NOT feeling inspired. Un42n8ly Poison Ivy obviously IS inspired b/c she keeps writing (and talking) about how absolutely PERFECT her life is. She has to be THE most plastic person on the planet.
    Well, I have to get ready 4 class so I better go.
    Ur turn to WBS.
    Yours till the book reports,
    UPON HEARING THE CLASS bell ring, Madison clicked SEND , powered down her laptop, and stuffed all of her books, including her journaling notebook, and her laptop back into her orange bag. Although the bag was bursting at the seams,

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