Kallen's Atonement

Read Online Kallen's Atonement by Stephani Hecht - Free Book Online

Book: Kallen's Atonement by Stephani Hecht Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephani Hecht
Tags: Gay, Paranormal, Adult, Erotic Romance, glbt, shapeshifter
pack, things have changed.”
    Alarm bells rang in Kallen’s head. Crispin had always been the hot head in their group. Kallen might not have been proud of some of the things he had done while leader of the group, but he knew it was small beans compared to what Crispin was capable of doing. To put it bluntly, Crispin was a fucking nuts.
    “Changed how?” Kallen asked.
    “Sorry, since you’re no longer part of the pack, that’s really none of your business. You made your decision to stay with the coalition.” Albert looked pointedly at Drake and Kallen’s linked hands. “It seems you made yourself really comfortable there, too.”
    Panic and anger filled Kallen. “I hope you guys aren’t hurting anybody. The entire reason we left our pack was because we didn’t want to harm humans…remember?”
    “Yet you were willing to sell the list of the Lost Shifters to the Ravens. How many felines do you think would have gotten hurt if you had been successful with that?” Albert reminded him.
    Guilt hit Kallen like a kick to the gut. “But I didn’t.”
    “Only because your precious brother interfered and saved your ass. Otherwise, you would be no better than any of us.”
    “Shut up,” Drake growled. “Kallen is nothing like you.”
    Even though Kallen appreciated Drake standing up for him, a part of him found himself agreeing with Albert. No, it’s different now. I’m making up for my past sins. I’m nothing like the others. At least, not anymore.
    Albert sneered. “Kallen can dress up like a soldier all he wants. He will always be one of us.”
    Kallen gasped. At the moment, he was in his civilian clothing. So how could they know that he was dressing up in uniform? Unless…
    “You’ve been watching me!” Kallen accused.
    Albert shrugged. “We were curious to see how you were getting along. We saw you fighting the Spiders and saw you saving that stupid bird. I would have left him to die.”
    Kallen took a step back in shock. This wasn’t the Albert that he’d always known. Albert had always been shy and sweet. Now, he seemed mean and so jaded. What had changed to make him that way?
    “Albert, what’s going on with the pack? Why are you acting this way?” Kallen reached out for his former friend only to have Albert jerk away.
    “What happened is we wised up. Your way was only leaving us starved and digging in dumpsters for survival. Now we have the best of everything. Face it, Kallen, you may be a sweet guy, but you were a shitty leader.”
    Drake stepped forward and grabbed Albert by the front of the shirt. “You better treat him with more respect, or I’ll beat you within an inch of your life.”
    Kallen put a hand on Drake’s arm. “Forget it. He’s not worth it. Let’s just get out of here.”
    Kallen meant it, too. If that’s what his former pack thought of him, it hurt, but he would get over it. It just reconfirmed his decision that staying with the coalition had been the right thing to do. Now, he didn’t have to live with the doubt any longer. In a strange way, he felt a sense of relief. As if he didn’t have to feel guilty for abandoning them.
    Drake gave Albert one last shake before letting him go and walking away. Kallen held out his hand, and Drake took it. They then turned and gave Albert their backs as they walked away.
    Once they reached HQ, an awkwardness settled over them. Kallen didn’t want the date to end, but he wasn’t for sure how he should tell Drake that. He didn’t want to come off as a needy slut. Yet, at the same time, he was so horny that if he didn’t get some action soon, he was going to die, and the only one he wanted said action with was Drake.
    Thankfully, Drake finally had the guts to say, “Kallen, I hope you don’t think that I’m moving too fast, but I don’t want this night to end yet.”
    “Thank God, because neither do I,” Kallen breathed as relief flooded his body.
    “Do you want to go to my room?”
    “More than anything. Just let me text

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