Just One Night: Part 2
simple thing to unzip my trousers, lift her skirt, and bury myself deep into her slippery wet pussy. I am in very big trouble.
    Her arms come up and reach around to the back of my neck as she arches her back just slightly. Her breasts push up and over her top, begging to be touched, licked, and all manner of other things.
    Yes, we are completely surrounded by strangers, but does that stop me? No. It absolutely does not. I reach up, cup her amble breasts, and pinch her nipples.
    She spins around and grabs me by the front of my shirt. “Hey!” Her face is flushed and she’s pretending to frown.
    My hands pause at her waist and I try to act chagrined. “Too much?” I lean down and kiss her neck. “My apologies. I get carried away with you sometimes. It isn’t my fault.”
    She presses into me, and it feels as though her body is melting right into mine. “I think I need a drink,” she says in my ear.
    Perhaps this is code for something else, but concern for her welfare has me taking the literal meaning. “Follow me,” I say, heading off the dance floor and over to the nearest bar. I can see the purple lights that mark its location, but there are several dark places and a throng of writhing bodies to get through before we reach our destination.
    “This way!” she shouts, pulling me away from the path I’d created in my mind.
    Assuming she knows this place better than I do, I follow. Our fingers intertwine, hers much smaller between mine. I admire the swing of her hips as she precedes me through the crowd. Her hourglass figure is every boy’s dream. Certainly it’s mine. I cannot wait to see it in all its naked glory again, and I pray that our plan will come to its fruition this evening. If Edward screws this up for me there will be a punch-up.
    We enter a dark corridor that is decidedly empty compared to the packed room just on the other side of the wall. I see a niche coming up on our right, and I cannot help but take advantage of it. I hope she’s not too thirsty to be bothered by a minor detour. Grabbing Jennifer around the waist, I pull her into the small alcove with me.
    “What the …”
    “I need to touch you,” I say. Simple honesty. That’s my grand plan.
    Lucky for me, the fire in her eyes is unmistakable. She puts her arms around my neck and pulls me down, her lips ready for me and her tongue coming out to greet mine.
    It’s like we never left each other, as if last weekend is this weekend and we somehow skipped over time to be here at this club and not in our hotel room. The notion of coming home skitters across my mind as we find our groove and deepen the kiss. My pulse is growing more rapid by the second and my cock becomes hard as steel. She presses into me and moans.
    “Be careful, dove, or I’ll forget how to be a gentleman.” I kiss and suck her neck, leaving a mark. I leave it to kiss her hard on the mouth when I feel her body respond.
    “Forget,” she says in a whisper against my lips. “Forget all that.”
    I step forward, forcing her towards the wall. Her backward motion grinds to a halt when she comes up against the unyielding surface. My hard body presses into her softer one, and I revel in the way my rod sinks into her soft cleft. It’s as if we were built for each other, hand in glove.
    “Fuck me right here,” she says, her voice stronger than before. Her hands are grabbing at me in desperation, pulling my shirt out of my trousers, her nails pressing through the fabric to lightly score my skin.
    “Here?” I ask, making sure I understood properly. My heart is already pounding away like a jackhammer. I don’t need more than a mere suggestion to completely forget my manners and the fact that I’m in a public place. “Fuck you. Right here in the club?”
    “Yes. Here. Now.” Her leg hitches up to ride over my hip.
    That’s it. The end. Done and dusted. Just as I suspected earlier, it does not take much to unzip my trousers and lift her skirt. The minor issue of panties

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