Just for the Summer

Read Online Just for the Summer by Jenna Rutland - Free Book Online

Book: Just for the Summer by Jenna Rutland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Rutland
Tags: Lake Bliss#1
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and swore his pupils were dilated. “Yeah, well, you can admire
     my anatomy from a distance.” She stepped back. “So, what brings you by?”
    Matt waved a metal tape measure. “I need to take some measurements.” He gave her a
     slow once-over.
    “They’re not going to be 36-24-36.” She should have said nothing, but she couldn’t
     resist the desire to provoke him.
    Matt cleared his throat. “No, I don’t suppose they are.”
    He extended the tape measure a few inches, locked it in place, and traced the tip
     across her exposed collarbone. The light touch produced a shiver that rippled its
     way down her body.
    “Know what’s nice about this kind of device? It’s very flexible. I can measure around
     curves and corners.”
    “Very important,” she agreed.
    “A good carpenter has to worry about width and length and measure correctly so things
     fit together properly.”
    “A snug union is always best.” What the heck was her problem? She’d no sooner stepped
     back from his flirtation when she dove back in for seconds. It was like making a commitment
     to lose those pesky ten pounds after an unproductive trip to the mall, then hitting
     the fast-food drive-through on the way home.
    His mouth curved with that stupid dimpled grin.
    “Are you like this with all women, Sheriff?”
    “Like what?”
    “In-your-face flirty. Maybe a bit over the top.”
    “Nope. I think you bring out the devil in me, Ms. S.” He dropped his voice a notch.
     “Are you like this with all men?”
    “Like what?”
    “Smart mouth. Bit of a tease.”
    She flashed him what she hoped was a cocky grin. “For as long as I can remember.”
     Although at one time she’d had to work hard to restore her naturally smart-mouthed
    Her wind chimes jingled as if signaling an end to round one. Time for a change of
     scenery. She stepped inside the screened-in porch with him on her heels. She found
     herself asking, “How was your evening?”
    The playful expression from a few minutes ago altered into one more serious. “Did
     you know that four young boys can scream like little girls? That they can eat enough
     popcorn to fill a swimming pool? And that after the screaming and eating they can
     fall asleep two minutes into the ride home?”
    Dani laughed. “Sounds like you had a fun time.”
    “Yep.” He took a few steps in her direction. “But I kept thinking about what I was
     missing here.”
    “Sautéed chicken breasts with a creamy walnut sauce served over angel hair pasta,
     spinach salad with strawberries and tarragon vinaigrette, and Bavarian apple tort.”
    He blew out an exaggerated breath. “Invite me again.”
    It was more a plea than a question. She wanted to invite him again. One more step
     toward the danger zone. Another invitation meant she’d renege on the promises she’d
     made to keep her distance.
    As if to instigate a response, he said, “What’s the matter, Ms. S., can’t handle my
     charming personality? Afraid I’ll want more from you than dinner?”
    She gave him a playful nudge. “Hard to imagine you have trouble finding a date.”
    “I’m choosy when it comes to women. Let’s see what kind of dinner companions we’d
     make. Invite me again.”
    She should come clean. Tell him why she was in Lake Bliss. But it was too soon to
     reveal her identity—if she ever did. She wanted more time with her son. More memories
     to collect.
    And heaven help her, she wanted more time with Matt. He made her feel strong and sexy,
     and it’d been forever since she’d laughed with a man. For the first time in over eight
     years, her mind and body were telling her she was ready for a relationship.
    Was it possible to enjoy a few months with him and Sam? Was that too much to ask?
     One perfect summer that would sustain her over the lonely future she’d endure without
     her son?
    “Please.” His voice changed to that husky, seductive sound that ignited her libido.
     “Maybe I’ll even let you

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