Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2)

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Book: Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2) by Veronica Cane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Cane
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hadn’t in quite some time, with no nightmares interrupting her rest, nor flashes of those fatidic days she had passed caught in the clutches if Hernandez, and all the humiliations he had put her through, disturbing her calm. She only felt peace, as if she was safe and sound in his arms.
    But the sun brought reality back with a thunderous bang.
    She was coming out of the bathroom after her shower, still drying her hair when he dropped the bomb. "I'll be out for a few days with Marcus. You'll stay here with Wilson until my return."
    She froze, too astonished to even remember how to breathe, and only the sharp pain in her lungs forced her to get some air in. "Why? Where are you going?" She managed to ask.
    "I'm going to Honduras to take care of the Marquez problem." He explained, without giving her details.
    "Why can't you take me with you?"
    "Because things can get rough and I want to be able to focus on what I'm doing."
    "Agreed, but why do you have to leave Wilson behind? Garcia isn’t here, who will be there with you?" She kept asking, trying to mask the worry that had settled in her heart.
    "I hired a professional to help me capture them, so I don’t need Wilson to be with me. I'll be calmer if I know he is here, taking care of you." He insisted.
    "Wilson hates me. If you force him to stay behind, just to babysit me, he will hate me even more, and he will make my life a worse hell than it already is." She explained, trying to keep her tone calmed.
    "Maybe you deserve that hell." He ranted, closing his expression and refusing to go on discussing something that was already decided.
    "One day Jordan, you'll realize how wrong you were and I just hope I'm still around to rub it in your face." She replied, biting back the sobs building in her throat.
    "Whatever you say. Now let's take you back to your cell. I still have a lot of things to do before I leave." He replied in a very cold tone.
    "Chain me to the bed in my cell and take the keys with you, if it makes you feel safer, but please don’t leave Wilson here." She tried once more, as they walked through the hall to her cell.
    "You won't convince me, so don’t waste your time or mine." He opened the door to her cell and pushed her inside. "Behave yourself, and I'll be back in two days, three tops."
    She gave him her back and refused to acknowledge his departure, only moving when he closed the door, sitting down on her bed.
    She would survive those days like she had survived all that life kept throwing at her. She was stronger than that, she had to be.
    She spent the whole day alone in her cell. No one came to give her food or water, nor had she expected that. She knew Jordan's absence would only mean torture and mistreatments for her, so she wasn’t surprised, not even a little.
    Jordan closed the door to Ashley's cell and with a sigh, he went up to finish arranging the details for their trip. Marcus and Wilson were already waiting for him.
    Only seconds before he got into the SUV that would take him to the landing track, Jordan turned to Wilson. "Make sure she gets whatever she needs, and keep your hands off of her. I don’t want you to touch a single hair on her body." He warned his man.
    "Yes, boss, don’t worry about her. She will be fine."
    Jordan nodded and hopped in. Seconds later the cars left the house, and soon they were flying off to Honduras.
    Once there they were greeted by the men they had contacted. "Things are going according to planning, Mr. Martinez. The Marquez will be arriving tomorrow to check the merchandise and sell it to the new cartel. The drugs arrived a few days ago like I told you, and they have been rendering it, but incredibly they are keeping some pure, in their original packs." Paul, their contact in Tegucigalpa, filled them in.
    "Good, those packages are the ones marked. They need them to convince their buyers that the drugs are good." Jordan concluded.
    "I've booked you a very discreet hotel on the outskirts of town, very close to

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