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Book: Jewel by Beverly Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Jenkins
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at her. “You want me to be unfaithful?”
    “I’m being realistic, Eli. A man has needs.”
    “Needs usually enjoyed with his wife.”
    The tone of his voice set off alarm bells in her head. She searched his face and saw patientamusement. “Surely you don’t want to share a marriage bed—with me?”
    “Why not with you?”
    “Because we both know I’m not one of those pampered, soft-skinned women you prefer.”
    “And what makes you think you know what kind of woman I prefer. Has it occurred to you that I might find the task of picking a rose covered with thorns a challenge?”
    Jewel blinked. In his eyes and stance she read trouble of a kind she wasn’t certain she knew how to fight.
    He told her softly, “And, no, this isn’t a love match, but it could be fun if you’d let it.”
    “I don’t want fun. I just want to be who I was, and what I was before you showed up this afternoon.”
    “A spinster.”
    “An unmarried young woman.”
    “Same thing.” On the ride over to the Crowley house that evening, Eli had decided not to fight the choice he’d made to marry her. Jewel was beautiful, intelligent, and strong spirited; all qualities he’d have wanted in a true wife, so why not make a go of it. Granted, he usually steered clear of innocents; he preferred his women as experienced as he, but at this moment, the idea of drawing passionate sighs from Jewel’s lips instead of vinegar had him already envisioning the pleasure he wanted to give to his virgin bride. “So you don’t want a wedding night.”
    “We’ll save it, then.”
    The light of amusement in his eyes did not help her mood. “You’re not taking this seriously enough for me.”
    “I’m not taking this seriously at all, to be truthful. We are man and wife, and I’d like to make the best of it.”
    “Meaning you’d like to bed me.”
    “You’re a beautiful woman, Jewel. No getting around that, but there’s more to marriage. Look at Viveca and Nate. Look at our parents.”
    “They love each other. We don’t.”
    He had to admit, she had him there. “A point for your side.”
    She rolled her eyes. He was way too handsome for his own good and she was certain there were women who’d take him under any conditions. She was not one of them.
    Eli scanned the tight set of her chin. Admittedly, divorce was a way out—and trust her to come up with such an outrageous solution. His decision to try and make the marriage at least tolerable was apparently all for naught. “The reverend has agreed not to divulge the true date of the wedding. That way we can tell our nosy neighbors we were married some time ago, but wanted to keep the news from your father.”
    “That’s as good a lie as any, I suppose. Anything else?”
    “Yes. We’re married. You’re going to have to act as if you care for me when we’re out together.”
    “I can do that.”
    He knew how angry she must be; no one liked being forced into a situation not of their choosing. Truthfully, he wasn’t happy either, but he’d done the honorable thing whether she appreciated it or not. “I’m going to meet with Hicks in the morning and then I’ll come back here so we can iron this out.”
    Jewel knew she’d have to surrender sooner or later, but she preferred the latter. “Fine,” she said, not bothering to hide her displeasure. “Anything else?”
    He shook his head.
    “Then I’ll say good night.” Without further word she walked to the closed parlor door and opened it.
    “Good night, wife.”
    The tone of his voice made her stop. Turning back, she found herself snared by the directness of his gaze. Her realization that women probably succumbed to him at the drop of a hat finally made her break the contact and continue her exit, but on legs far less steady than she cared to admit.
    Eli watched her go. Life certainly wasn’t going to be dull or easy from now on, but he had something his prickly new bride lacked—patience. He’d simply have to wait her

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