Jennifer and Rocket (The Princesses of Silicon Valley Book 6)

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Book: Jennifer and Rocket (The Princesses of Silicon Valley Book 6) by Anita Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anita Claire
those lips. Since a light kiss is not doing enough for me, I pull her tight and kiss her so she knows I mean business. I can hear her moan, which causes my dick to twitch. Man, I’d like to take her here, but I’m done with uncomfortable hookups. When I’m finally with Jennifer, it will be in my bed.
    Jennifer has been hesitant around me; I can tell she’s keeping me at arm’s length. I find her uncertainty…compelling. It’s a lot more fun to chase after a woman than being chased by them. It sure makes me work on my game.
    I lose track of time as we kiss while I use this opportunity to run my hands over all of her. As a sculptor, my hands enjoy feeling her curves. When we finally pull ourselves apart, she has a completely flustered look and swollen lips, which I find way too charming.
    She speaks first. Breathlessly asking, “How do we finish…them?”
    “The knives?”
    She nods as I watch her trying to focus. “I guess you’ll need to come back and visit me again to finish yours. We still need to sharpen the blade and give it a hilt.”
    Making sure to turn off my forge and other equipment, I grab a couple of beers from the full-size refrigerator in the barn. Jennifer is still standing where I left her, looking confused. I grab her hand and with a very satisfied feeling, lead her out of the studio. I stop at the picnic table located outside the Winnebago I bought as my home. Placing the beers on the table, I sit down and pull Jennifer onto my lap, open her beer and hand it to her.
    She has a sweet shy smile on her face, which has everything to do with that kiss. Clinking our bottles together, I take a sip and run my free hand down her back. She bites her lip and then asks, “How’d you learn to do that?”
    “What, kiss or make a knife?” I say enjoying her reaction.
    Jennifer gets a surprised look on her face as she stutters, “Um…use a forge, make a knife,” pointing over to my studio she continues, “All of that?”
    I find it amusing that she didn’t take the bait. “I spent my childhood following my dad around, he was always building things. In college, I took courses in chemistry, metallurgy, and material science. When I was in college, my dad hooked me up with one of his friends. He had a large commercial welding company. I learned a lot. It also was a great source of summer income. Then again, there was Wyoming.”
    “You never wanted to work as an artist for a company?”
    “When I finished college the economy was shit, no one was hiring. I didn’t have many choices. I could either get a job using the skills I had or hang out unemployed at my mom's. Needless to say, I chose the job.
    She looks at me approvingly as she drinks her beer. “You could have gone to grad school.”
    “Yeah, I wasn’t ready for that. Wyoming was good for me; it made me grow up. It taught me the value of hard work and money.”
    She nods, but not knowing me then, she doesn’t get where I was and where I am now. With another shy smile she says, “Creating a knife was fun. I love doing crafty things. I never thought of industrial tools as being crafty. But it was as much fun making a knife as it is making jewelry. Except you have cooler tools.”
    “Actually I have some crucibles. If you want to design molds we can melt metal to make jewelry.”
    “No way,” she says with a huge smile as she playfully slaps me on my peck. “This is so sweet, my friends tell me I’ll never find a guy who’s into crafts, and here you are.”
    Looks like those walls are coming down. Who’d think cute little Jennifer would be so cool about art.
    “Guys aren’t crafty,” I tell her with as serious a look as I can muster. “If you tell other guys I’m crafty, my testosterone level will decrease dramatically.”
    “So you’re cool and artsy and I get to be a lame and crafty while we do the same thing?”
    “That appears to be about right.” Taking advantage of the moment I lean in and give her a kiss. She tastes

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