
Read Online Jealousy by Jenna Galicki - Free Book Online

Book: Jealousy by Jenna Galicki Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Galicki
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not even Justin.  She tried not to think about Dominick when they weren’t together, but fantasies of their time together danced through her head.  She stared off into space, oblivious to those around her, and reminisced about the last time she saw him.
    “ Is everything OK, sweetie?” Justin asked.
    “ Um, yeah,” she said. “Why?”
    “ Because you’re dazing off again, like you have something on your mind.”  He smiled.  “Something good.  Do share.”
    Her cheeks flushed and she couldn’t look him in the eye.  She made up a feeble excuse about Peter and the store but it barely made any sense.
    Justin squinted at her.  “You’re not mad at me for something, are you?”
    “ Of course not! Why would I be mad at you?”  Her response was over exaggerated.
    “ I don’t know.  That’s why I asked.  You just seem a little distant lately.”
    She tried not to think about Dominick.  She tried to find something else to concentrate on, but she couldn’t put him out of her mind.  She ended up babbling and jumping from one subject to another.  It was obvious that she was acting out of sorts, but at least Justin wasn’t suspicious of the truth.  This was the first secret she ever kept from him and she didn’t know if she felt worse for cheating on Peter or deceiving Justin.
    Heather became obsessed with Dominick.  The more time she spent away from him, the more she needed to see him. She couldn’t wait two more days until their appointed rendezvous, so she slipped out of work early and met him at “their” hotel.  The maitre d’ greeted her when she arrived, and she wondered if her presence was becoming too familiar.  She needed anonymity.  She couldn’t risk someone recognizing her.  She wanted to mention it to Dominick, but the second she saw him, her mouth had other plans.  She needed to taste his flesh. Her desires needed to be fulfilled before she could think about anything else.
    By the time her cravings were rewarded with the flavor of Dominick ’s sweet body, she didn’t care about the maitre d’ anymore.  She only wanted to bathe in Dominick’s scent and feel his body next to hers.  She snuggled into the crook of his shoulder and wrapped her arm and leg over his body.  She didn’t want a sliver of space between them.
    He kissed her, long and deep.  “I want us to be together,” he said.  “When are you going to leave your husband?”
    It was the third time Dominick asked her to leave Peter, and her answer remained unchanged.   “I’m sorry, Dom.  I can’t leave Peter.”
    “ Why not?  I know he doesn’t make you happy.  If he did, you wouldn’t be here with me right now.  I don’t want to keep you hidden away in a hotel room.  I want to show off my beautiful girlfriend.”
    Heather covered her naked body with the silk sheet and reflected on her marriage to Peter.  She loved him, but did he make her happy?  She struggled with an answer, but couldn’t commit to one.  She knew why she was having an affair with Dominick, though.  The answer to that was easy.  He ignited her soul.  When she was with him, she felt reincarnated.  His touch made her entire body shiver with electricity.  He made her flesh feel like it was on fire.  Peter never made her feel that way, not even when they first met.  And Dominick made her feel . . . loved.  Peter told her he loved her, but never really showed it.  He did in the beginning, but as the years went by he retracted his emotions and they settled into the role of an old married couple.  She frowned.  Old married couple?  They were married for four years.  She was 31 years old.
    She let herself entertain the thought of leaving Peter and imagined life with Dominick.  It seemed surreal.  He fit into her life perfectly, especially with Justin dating Tyler.  She could easily fall in love with Dominick if she let herself.  And she knew Dominick was in love with her, even though he never told her.  He didn

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