Jayhawk Down

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Book: Jayhawk Down by Sharon Calvin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Calvin
however, was more of a storm warning.
    “Hilary, what a surprise. Actually, this is my new Coast Guard crew. We’re celebrating our copilot’s birthday,” Stillman said with what Caitlyn thought was commendable calm. “Everyone, this is my ex-wife, Hilary Gray.”
    Hilary narrowed her eyes at the “ex” qualifier and Caitlyn didn’t bother hiding her smirk. This was getting better and better. Hadn’t Stillman said his wife left because he hadn’t given her luxury cars?
    She thought of Stillman’s little two-seater plane and his fierce joy in flying aerobatics. No way did Mrs. Ex belong with Dr. Butt Head. And while Caitlyn wouldn’t risk her heart on him, she saw no reason to let that barracuda think for one second she could have him back.
    * * *
    “Relax, Caity’s got everything under control,” Ryan told Stillman.
    His assertion did little to calm the acid shooting holes in Stillman’s gut. Caitlyn had neatly herded Hilary to the bar for a private “girl talk.” He hadn’t heard any screams yet, so maybe they really were talking.
    Clay finished his beer and chuckled, sounding a little on the drunken side of sober. “She’s in full bitch mode.”
    Stillman glared at the kid. “Don’t even—”
    “Explain to the good doctor what you mean before he rearranges your face,” Joe said.
    Clay’s eyes rounded, making him look like a scolded pup. “Uh, no sir, I didn’t mean any disrespect to the lieutenant! B-I-T-C-H is her acronym for Boys I’m Taking Charge Here. T-that’s why Joe calls her Queen B. I would never say anything dis—”
    Stillman held his hand up, stopping Clay’s hasty explanation-cum-apology. “At ease, soldier, I get it.” He could easily envision butting heads with Caitlyn over everything. She appeared to be as much a control freak as he was. He caught himself reaching for his nonexistent pack of cigarettes and swore.
    Joe laughed. “Gave up smoking, did ya?” He gestured with his beer to Stillman’s aborted search. “Since I’m the only one here with an ex, I’m gonna stick my nose in. I got the impression from Caitlyn you’d just moved to Florida. So, why is your ex here? Did she move here with you?”
    “Got any kids?” Ryan added before Stillman could answer Joe.
    Stillman ignored the way his heart accelerated at the mention of kids and shook his head. That had been the first of many disagreements in his marriage. He looked around the table and three pairs of eyes stared back at him with undisguised concern for their lieutenant and friend.
    “No, thank God, no kids. But I’m never sure what goes on in Hilary’s mind. She’s marrying one of my father’s partners, so I don’t have a clue why she wants to see me.” At last she’d have all the money and prestige she’d craved.
    Maybe the Gray Institute was going to open a branch in Florida. That would explain Hilary’s fiancé’s presence, anyway. He picked up his beer and took a drink.
    Joe nodded as if he’d experienced the same illogical behavior himself.
    “Maybe you should leave while you can,” Ryan suggested.
    Chuckles bounced across the table and he relaxed. Yeah, he’d enjoy flying with these guys. They agreed Wednesday afternoon he’d begin his official volunteer training on Coast Guard flight protocols. Now, all he had to do was avoid his ex-wife and convince Caitlyn he was worth an exception to her no-military dating rule.
    He had no illusions that either of those would be easy missions.
    * * *
    Caitlyn gave up pretending to like Hilary and concentrated on not strangling her instead. The woman was in serious denial. As in, she was convinced Stillman belonged in his family’s cosmetic surgery empire.
    A blind man could see there wasn’t a chance in hell of that coming to pass. And if Caitlyn heard one more reference to “Stillman Gray
the Third,
” like he was some kind of god, she
strangle the bimbo.
    They sat at a small corner table away from the drone of TVs and Coasties avidly

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