Jaxie's Menage
Muscles flexed in his right arm as he
held out his large hand to her.
    As if on cue, the music
dropped into a slow dance.
    He pulled her gently
against him.
    He smelled nice. She
detected a scent of lavender and freshness. His body was big, like
Ewan’s. He was silent as he placed his other hand on her hip, his
palm branding her through her dress.
    He moved closer and she
inhaled as his big erection pressed against her lower belly. Her
breaths came faster and her pussy quivered.
    Although his entire face
was hidden behind a black mask, and he wore a dark hood to conceal
his hair, there was something familiar about him. Did she know him?
Was he a patron of her club?
    He danced like a pro.
Never stepping on her feet, as Ewan had always done.
    A shard of pain shimmered
through her at the thought of Ewan. Was she betraying him by
dancing with this man, after fucking Ewan just the other
    No ! her mind shouted.
    Yes ! her heart cried.
Ewan had made it
clear. It was over between them. How many times would she allow him
to stomp on her heart before she got the message? It was over.
It had to be
    She needed to move
forward. Needed to start living, and crazy as it seemed, tonight
was number one on her list of things to do.
    If she died tomorrow, at
least she’d been able to make one of her fantasies come true. And
she could do it with a guy built like Ewan. She would pretend it
was him, that’s what she could do.
    No more guilt. No more
living through her work. She was going to live. It could be fun. It
would be fun. Now all she had to do was keep her identity a secret
and let Rachel know she wanted this hottie in her ménage
    * * * * *
    Royce grinned as he
watched the gladiator and the princess bride dancing on the dance
floor. They moved like they were made for each other, thanks to the
dance lessons he’d been giving Ewan over the last few
    “ They make a
lovely couple,” Rachel said as she stepped up beside
    “ Funny, I was
just thinking that same thing.” He gazed over at her and did a
double take.
    Rachel was dressed to the
nines tonight. Pink-and-black eyeshadow illuminated her big brown
eyes. She wore black cat ears tucked in her dark-brown hair, and
she wore a sexy black cat outfit that hugged all her generous
curves. She even had whiskers drawn on her cheeks.
    “ Sexy hot
catwoman outfit,” Royce complimented. She looked hot!
    A cute pink blush spread
over Rachel’s cheeks. He liked it when she blushed. It made her
lose the look of stress she carried with her.
    “ Actually, I
am a jewel thief. I skulk like a cat in the night, scrambling up
the sides of luxury penthouses and breaking into rich people’s
homes, stealing their jewels.”
    Royce chuckled. “Well, I
wouldn’t have guessed you were such a naughty girl.”
    Rachel blinked prettily.
The pink on her cheeks deepened.
    “ You don’t
know the half of it, Royce.”
    “ Hmm, I’m
thinking I wouldn’t mind finding out just how naughty you can
    She shyly averted his
gaze and he reined in another laugh. The last thing he wanted to do
was embarrass Rachel any further tonight, especially when he needed
that trick hat she denied existed.
    “ Maybe another
time, gladiator. Tonight belongs to Jaxie.”
    He nodded.
    “ Are you all
set with the top hat?” he said in a low enough voice so that only
she could hear.
    She shook her head and
said nothing. He didn’t miss a secretive smile cross her
    “ Okay, I get
it. Rumors. All rumors.”
    “ You’re
catching on, big guy,” she said with a wink.
    To his surprise,
something cool touched his right palm.
    “ Don’t look
down,” she said without looking at him. “Just take it. Show no one.
It’s the key to your room.”
    He accepted the key and
held it tight.
    “ Hopefully,
you’ll get what you’re looking for tonight.”
    Rachel quickly
disappeared back into the crowd.
    His gut
tensed. Hopefully? What did she mean by that?
    Unless what she’d

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