Jane Feather - [V Series]

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Book: Jane Feather - [V Series] by Virtue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virtue
put her head on one side and gave him an arch smile. “More’s the pity.”
    Wellington roared with laughter. He was still laughing when the equerry reached him.
    “What is it, man?” he demanded testily.
    “Dispatches, sir.” The equerry looked around the room. “In private, my lord.”
    Wellington stood up immediately. “Excuse me, Miss Davenport.” He was suddenly a different man, his face as somber as if it had never known laughter.
    Judith rose with quick understanding, holding out her hand. “I’ll leave you to your business, Duke.”
    He took her hand and kissed it, then strode off, beckoning to members of his staff as he made his way to a small room off the ballroom. “Ask Lord Carrington to join us,” he said to an aide.
    Marcus entered the salon a few minutes later, closing the double doors behind him. “Quatre Bras?” he said immediately.
    “You were damned right, Marcus. Boney’s left has swung round to the north. The Prince of Orange has him checked at Quatre Bras, but Napoleon’s preparing to open the attack.”
    “And with his right, simultaneously attack the Prussians at Ligny,” Marcus said.
    “Ligny to the east and Quatre Bras to the west,” Wellington agreed, bending over a chart. “Sound general quarters. We’ll make our stand at Quatre Bras.”
    Outside the small salon, the ballroom buzzed. The musicians continued to play, but dancers were few as knots of people gathered in corners and the officers discreetly melted away. Judith was searching for Sebastian when Charlie approached her, his expression radiating excitement.
    “Judith, I must go and join my regiment.”
    “What’s happened?”
    “General quarters has been sounded and we’re to march to Quatre Bras.”
    He couldn’t conceal his eagerness and Judith felt a great surge of affection for him, followed by apprehension. So many young men all so ready to find a bloody death on the battlefield.
    “My first battle,” he said.
    “Yes, and you will be brave as a lion,” she said, smiling with a great effort. “Come, I’ll see you off.”
    She walked with him downstairs. Men in uniform milled around the hall. Orders were hastily and quietly given. Groups of soldiers took their leave, trying to appear as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened as they went through the great doors standing open to the stone steps outside. Once outside, however, discretion went to the four winds and they were off and running, calling for carriages, yelling orders and information.
    Judith reached up and kissed Charlie lightly on the corner of his mouth. “Be safe.”
    “Oh, yes, of course I shall.” He was impatient to be off, his eyes chasing around the hall. “Oh, there’s Larson. He’s in my company.”
    “Off you go, then.” She gave him a friendly little push. He gave her a rueful, slightly guilty smile, then ducked his head and kissed her with a jerky bob.
    “I do think you’re wonderful, Judith.”
    “Of course you do,” she said. “Be off with you. You have more important things on your mind now than dalliance.”
    “Yes, yes I have. That’s quite true.”
    She waggled her fingers at him as he backed away into the crowd. He grinned suddenly, blew her a kiss, and then turned and plunged into the melee, calling for his friend.
    Feeling stricken, Judith turned and went back up the stairs. Sebastian was looking for her. He held her cloak, his own already around his shoulders. “Judith, I must take you home.”
    She glanced around at the emptying salons. “Yes, there seems little point remaining. Although maybe we might hear some more news.”
    “There’ll be no more news to be had here.” Her brother draped the gold taffeta cloak around her shoulders. “Wellington and Clausewitz have left with their entourages. They’re to set out for Quatre Bras within the half hour.” He urged her down the stairs with an impatient hand under her elbow.
    “What’s your hurry, Sebastian?”
    “Oh, come on,

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