Jane Ashford

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Book: Jane Ashford by Three Graces Read Free Book Online
Authors: Three Graces
hardly the usual nursery governess, Miss Hartington. You are a special case.”
    “I took the position, and I will fulfill its requirements,” replied the girl stiffly. “I do not want special treatment; a party is out of the question.” She turned a little away from him.
    He nodded slowly. “That is what you feel, is it?”
    “Of course it is. How could I feel anything else?”
    “Perhaps you couldn’t, though I can imagine a good many other reactions to an offer like Anne’s. But don’t you think you are being a bit overnice?”
    She frowned at him.
    “You are a special case, you know, whether you wish to be or not. Anne must know the story of your aunt’s will?”
    Reluctantly Aggie nodded.
    “There you are, then. Your being forced to seek employment was a sad accident, and you are obviously destined for finer things than governessing.”
    Still frowning, she looked down.
    “Have you ever considered, Miss Hartington, what you will do when George and Alice are older? George will be off to school in a few years, and you have told me that you do not feel qualified to take complete charge of Alice’s education.”
    “No, I’m not. I shall, ah, find another position.”
    “Indeed. And another, and another. Most of them much less pleasant than this one, I wager. Is this the way you wish to spend your life?”
    “My wishes don’t signify,” she retorted. “I haven’t any choice!”
    “Ah, but you do. Now.”
    Aggie looked up at him, perplexed. “You are telling me that I should accept her offer, take advantage of her kindness?”
    “It is not taking advantage. In some cases it might be, but in yours, never.”
    The girl leaned back a little and stared out over the stream, considering the situation.
    “I admit I have a selfish reason for urging you to accept as well,” added Dudley, smiling.
    “I should very much like to dance with you at an evening party.”
    Aggie’s lips curved slightly upward. “You do not even know if I can dance. Perhaps I should tread on your feet and give you a miserable half hour.”
    “Impossible. I feel somehow that you were born knowing how to dance.”
    “How absurd.” For some reason, Aggie felt much better than she had only a few minutes past.
    “You will accept, then?”
    “I don’t know. It still seems… wrong somehow.”
    “You know what you might do to convince yourself that it is not?”
    “Speak to Alex.”
    “Mr. Wellfleet?”
    “Yes. He’s a sensible, levelheaded chap. And he knows Anne better than any of us. Why not ask his opinion?”
    “I… I hardly know him,” faltered Aggie, a bit daunted at this prospect.
    “Oh, well… he is your employer, though. He’s bound to give you aid and advice.”
    Aggie laughed. “Indeed?”
    “Well… but you know, he’s a good fellow. Always glad to help.”
    “Perhaps I could speak to him,” she mused. “I might at least convince him that this whole idea is preposterous.”
    “Do,” urged her companion.
    She looked at him, then nodded once. “I will.”
    “Splendid. You’ll see; he’ll be a great help.” Dudley rose to his feet. “I must go.”
    “Oh.” Aggie stood also, a bit surprised at his haste.
    “Yes. Just remembered an engagement, actually. I’m sorry to rush off.”
    “Not at all. Good-bye.”
    “Good-bye.” And John Dudley turned to hurry back to the house, to see whether, as he hoped, his friend Alex Wellfleet was still sitting in his study. If he weren’t, thought Dudley, he would dashed well find him wherever he was.

    Aggie thought over what John Dudley had advised for the best part of a day. There was no opportunity, in any case, to speak to Mr. Wellfleet that evening, and the following morning she was occupied with the children, as usual. But later, when George and Alice went to sleep after luncheon, she resolved to carry through with the idea and went downstairs to look for her employer.
    She knocked on the closed door of his study rather

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