Jameson Hotel - the Dark Suite Series: Parts One, Two & Three

Read Online Jameson Hotel - the Dark Suite Series: Parts One, Two & Three by Aven Jayce - Free Book Online

Book: Jameson Hotel - the Dark Suite Series: Parts One, Two & Three by Aven Jayce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aven Jayce
Tags: Dark Suite
passionate one, not some short five
second peck like you usually give me.”
    My lips press softly
to hers and my dad instantly returns to my mind. The bastard will live inside
my head forever.
    He kicks in the door of one of the bedrooms in his mansion,
pulling me off a new hire in his company. A woman no older than eighteen and
scared shitless, probably her first time on camera.
    “You fucking son of a bitch. Get up,” my
father yells.
    He pulls me out of the room and I’m pushed
down the hall to his office where he slams and locks the door.
    “What the fuck, Mark? Is it that hard to keep
your lips off women when you fuck them? I’m starting to second-guess bringing
you into this company. Maybe you need to go home to your pretty little wife and
die an old man with your face puckered like a fish. Smooch,
smooch. I hate that shit. You look like a dumbass. Stop wasting my money
and get the scene right the first time.”
    “She’s nervous.”
    “Too fucking bad, she’s not here against her
will. She signed up for it, now fuck her, don’t turn this into a love scene.
This is about making money, nothing else. If this is too complicated for you or
your mouth to handle, pack your bags and go home early. I don’t need you around
for an entire week if all I’m gonna do is babysit
your ass.”
    My hands cover my limp dick, hiding it from
the bastard. According to him, kissing and losing wood are two signs of
weakness in a man.
    “You’re trying to buy a new house, right?
That’s why you came this time. Your wife’s been nagging you? One week, Mark. A
week and I’ll help you out, but you gotta play the game. Fuck, are you soft?” He stares at my groin and shakes his head.
    “How can you expect me to stay erect when I’m
carted to your office and bitched at.”
    Shit, I know that look. He’s furious... about
to do something that makes me feel helpless, to show he’s in control, the man
owns me. I’m not his son... I’m his property.
    He hands me a shot then fixes one for
    “Show me,” he says.
    “What, my dick?”
    “That you can get it up.”
    “Get real. I’m not yanking my cock in front
of you.”
    He places a call then points to a chair.
“Sit,” he says. “Someone’s replacing you for the day.”
    I’m fucked.
    “You like being here?” he asks.
    “Most of the time. I like the money I’m
bringing in. It’s triple what I made at my old job.”
    “And you understand this is a business?”
    I nod.
    “So if I ask you to show me you can get it up,
stroke it and show me, don’t mouth off. The cunt in that room is my money and
so is your cock. It’s a business.”
    “I’m not feeling well.”
    “You’re fine.”
    “Did you put something in that shot?”
    “You’ll only be out for about an hour. When
you wake, don’t try to force your lips open, you’ll tear the stitches. I’m
shutting your mouth for you since you don’t know how to do it yourself. It’s
the only way you’re going to learn to keep your lips off women. I’ll take the
stitches out tomorrow.”
    “I promise I won’t...” My vision blurs and I
slide out of the chair. “Dad.”
    “Kissing makes you susceptible to a woman’s control. You’re
the man in those rooms, Mark, it’s time to act like one.”
    “Hot...” Julia’s
flush, “you can’t tell me that kiss wasn’t enjoyable.”
    “Give me a moment to
use the bathroom,” I say, locking her out without mentioning or even
remembering the kiss.
    Duct tape was
covering my mouth when I woke up in my Dad’s office on the day I was drugged.
He could’ve stitched it shut, but he didn’t. He wanted to scare the shit out of
me instead. The more I was afraid of him, the more control he had over me.
That’s what he did to everyone in his company and eventually I was so
brainwashed I could barely function in the real world. I stopped fucking my
wife, but stayed in the house because of my son, which probably did him more
harm than good. And it’s no wonder

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