Jake (A Redemption Romance #2)

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Book: Jake (A Redemption Romance #2) by Anna Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Scott
gotten sick of waiting and had just gone for it. I was so glad he had, I’d never seen either of them look so settled and content.
    “Hey, sorry to interrupt, but when you have a chance, will you give me the information for the gardener, you’re using for Nolan’s?” Jake stiffened again, since my hand was still held firmly in his, I felt it. I snuck a quick peek up at him, to read his expression, but his face was blank. Eyes trained on the road, there was a definite lack of emotion on his face, like he’d purposely wiped it away. That troubled me, a memory niggled at the back of my mind, there was something there and it defiantly worried me.
    “Of course. I’ve got the card right here on the fridge, do you want me to just text it to you?” Aurora’s voice brought be back to the present, but the strange feeling of apprehension remained in the back of my mind.
    “That would be perfect. Thank you. You guys doing alright?”
    “We’re great, how are you doing? Are you still staying at Jake’s?”
    “Yes, I’m fine, nothing to worry about.” I spoke so casually, trying to invoke the feeling of breezy disconnect into my voice. I didn’t want to convey the anxiousness I actually felt.
    We spoke for another couple of minutes until the restaurant came into view, then we disconnected the call. A few seconds later, a text came through with the image of the business card on my screen. I texted back a quick thanks and hopped down out of the truck when Jake parked. He met me at the front of the truck and we went into the bistro, hand in hand.
    It was a lovely little place, the floors were hardwood, old, scuffed wide planked oak. Worn from years of tread, but still somehow appearing clean and perfect for the space. Small, intimate tables lined the back and far wall, larger and family style tables up front.
    I thought that this had been an ingenious plan, so often a couple would be seated near a boisterous family. The noise would drown out the soft conversation they were having. It was hard to get to know someone or even to feel pretty and flirt with them if you had to compete with a large group nearby.
    As I followed the hostess to a back, corner table, Jake took position behind me and placed a hand at the small of my back in an obviously caring, but possessive way. The gesture spoke of intimacy, of protection and of concern for the other person. It made me feel cherished and yet an underlying concern swamped me.
    I did my best to hold it back, but as he quietly guided me with just the slightest movement of his hand, directing which way to walk, I felt an unexplainable desire to melt into him and submit every part of myself to him. I couldn’t do something like that, I wouldn’t ever give a man that kind of power over me again, wouldn’t allow someone to hurt me the way Tim had or even in the way my father had.
    As far as I knew, my father never hit my mother, but he ruled our house with his harsh words and demeaning commands. My mother gave him everything, her love, her total obedience and even her joy. I hadn’t seen her truly happy since I was a little girl, I could remember it like it was yesterday.
    Mom had taken my older sister Faith, my younger brother Christian and me to visit her parents for a week. They were in Louisiana, and we’d driven. With three little kids in the car, the drive seemed to take forever. But that week, as my grandparents fussed and spoiled us, I saw a different kind of couple. I was only about six, I think, but my grandparents were nothing like my parents.
    My grandpa was kind, always smiled and kissed his wife all the time. I’d thought it strange, then, I’d never seen anything like that, but over the week, the sadness in my mother’s eyes went away. I remember thinking that Louisiana was a magical place, that people were so happy there. When we’d gotten home, I told my father that I wanted to live in the magic place; that it made everyone happy. That hadn’t ended as a pleasant

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