Jagged Hearts

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Book: Jagged Hearts by Lacey Thorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Thorn
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way.” He shook his head. “What kind of sick fuck would do this?” Only one person came to mind.
    “Yeah, already ahead of you there,” Gilly said. “Skip’s seeing what he can find on one Vivian Ames.”
    “The police never looked at her,” Bare admitted. God, it would kill Paisley if Vivian was behind this.
    “I’d say she’s more than made bank on her appearances and guest speaking spots since Paisley’s attack.” Gilly shuffled some papers on his desk. “Interesting thing is that Vivian Ames is almost completely broke. She’s in debt up to her eyeballs despite pulling in some nice figures for some of the engagements she’s done.”
    “Where’s all her money going?” Bare mused.
    “Exactly,” Gilly agreed. “I can see the money leaving her account. It goes through several different channels then just disappears.”
    “You can’t find it?” Bare asked, completely surprised. There was little Gilly couldn’t find if he wanted to.
    “Yet,” he said. “I’m still digging. It had to go somewhere. Eventually, I’ll find it.”
    “This will destroy Paisley.” Bare said aloud the words he was thinking.
    “No,” Gilly disagreed. “Maybe, it would have a year ago. Hell, even a month ago. But I saw strength in the woman I met today, the same one who showed up on my doorstep. I’m not saying she won’t take a hard knock if it turns out her mother had anything to do with this, but I don’t think she’ll crumble. Not this time. And I think the reason is standing here with me.”
    “I can’t shield her from this,” Bare said.
    “No, but you can be there for her, just like you have been for the last five years.”
    Bare turned and walked back to the monitors. “She asked me to help her learn to live again. Today. After lunch.”
    “That’s great,” Gilly said from behind him. “I know you’ve been waiting for that.”
    “I wanted to give her time. Take her out. Show her all the things she’s been missing out on. See her smile. Hear her laugh. Share kisses. See if we have a shot at something more than friends.”
    “So do that,” Gilly said. “Though I never thought of you as the romantic type.” He slapped Bare on the back and chuckled.
    Bare grunted. He wasn’t feeling romantic at the moment. He was feeling cavemanish. He wanted to throw Paisley down on the first flat surface—or against a flat surface. Hell, any surface would do at the moment. He wanted to fuck her until neither of them could stand. It was a moment years in the making, at least in his mind.
    “We’ll keep her safe,” Gilly said.
    Bare nodded. “I promised Paisley dinner.”
    “I’ve already got it cooking,” Gilly said. “Made stew. All I need to do is put the bread in the oven.” He headed toward the stairs. “You coming?”
    “I’m just going to watch the monitors for a minute,” Bare said. He knew Gilly had them wired with alarms. His cousin just shrugged and walked upstairs. Bare figured the man knew he needed some time alone to get himself under control.
    He’d leave it all up to Paisley. He wouldn’t pursue her the way he wanted to, but he wouldn’t turn her away either. If she came to him, he’d give them both what they needed.

Chapter Six

    They’d finished dinner hours ago, and still, Paisley paced her bedroom, arguing with herself. She felt like a teenager all over again, the way she was debating her actions. She wanted to go across the hall, sneak into Bare’s room and slip into his bed. No, she wanted more than that. She wanted him to hold her, make love to her. Scratch that, too. She wanted him to fuck her into oblivion. It was as if once she’d made the decision to step out from behind her past, she couldn’t wait. She’d let the past hold her back for too long.
    She would always love Lance, would always mourn the child they should have had, but she was finally coming to grips with the fact his death didn’t mean hers as well. That was why she’d decided to go out this week

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