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Book: JACKED by Sasha Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Gold
had into my daughters. I wished to hell I’d had a son, but I didn’t, so I worked with what I had. My girls are my investments. My life. I won’t have them take teaching jobs and be glorified babysitters or take stewardess jobs and be glorified waitresses. I raised them to do important work. To have meaningful lives.”
    Jack narrowed his eyes. What a piece of work this man was. Did he even know the first thing about Savannah? Did he understand her passions and dreams? It was all about him. What he wanted. His ego.
    Jack spoke softly. “Whatever my wife does, whatever job or role she takes, won’t have glorified in front of it, Sir. She’ll do that job to the best of her ability. She’ll do it like no one before and she’ll do it in only the way Savannah can. With all her heart. And I don’t know what that will be, but what she wants is exactly what I want. Savannah isn’t like anyone else I’ve ever known and I believe in her. I want her to follow her path, to go after her dreams. Sir .”
    Savannah stepped forward. “Dad…”
    Weston blinked. “Baby.”
    “I love Jack. We’re together now.”
    Her father’s face twisted into an ugly grimace. “You think Jack loves you? He just wanted to take you from me. Because I told him to stay away. That’s all this is. Some sort of sick game.”
    Jack gritted his teeth and it took every ounce of self-control to keep his temper. Weston’s face was turning an angry red. He felt Savannah recoil at her father’s angry words.
    “That’s not true,” she said. “Jack cares for me and supports me getting my education degree.”
    Weston scoffed. “Sure he does. He was the one to tell me about your teacher’s degree in the first place.”
    Savannah drew a sharp breath. She turned to look at him, her eyes wide with disbelief and then slowly looked back at her father. “What are you talking about?”
    Jack scrubbed his hand across his face. Shit, this was not going the right way. Not at all.
    Weston grinned, he pointed to the chair in front of his desk. “Jack sat right there in my study and told me how you had no intention of going to law school. How you’d signed up to take the state exams for teaching. Jack was the one who told me.”
    Jack watched the shock hit her, how her eyes widened, her jaw dropped then snapped close. He watched as she turned to face him and felt the way her gaze cut through him. Her scathing look lingered, no more than a second, just a small glimpse of her shock and pain. Then she gathered her dignity and steeled her expression.
    “Maybe I meant for him to tell you all that.”
    Weston snorted. “You did?”
    She nodded. “Jack always looks out for me like that.”
    He watched as she turned and walked back up the hallway, her footsteps echoing. Weston didn’t move, a tendril of smoke spiraled up from his cigar. He stared, barely breathing.
    “She asked you to talk to me?” he asked softly. “You, of all people…”
    Jack didn’t answer. She’d lied to preserve some dignity and he didn’t know what to say. The words hung in the air, swirling like the ribbon of cigar smoke.
    Weston’s voice dropped. “She never liked you.”
    Jack gave a curt nod. “Goodnight, sir.” He turned and moved down the hallway, past the pictures of her and her sisters, striding out of the house to the car. He yanked the door open and when he saw her sitting in the passenger seat, he got in, slamming the door shut. A soft light burned, illuminating Savannah as she stared out the window. Her shoulders were stiff and he wanted to reach for her but thought better of it.
    Instead he started the truck and drove home. Neither spoke. She was furious and she had a right to be, but he was aware of his own anger. Something about Weston’s heart attack didn’t ring true. Facts didn’t align. A man didn’t go to the Emergency Room and then come home to drink and smoke.
    When they got home, they went inside and Savannah stood stiffly in the kitchen while he

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